GitHub linker allows you to select a piece of text and create a permanent link to for that piece of text. Just select the text, right click, and you'll see two new options.
Copy a permanent link to the clipboard
For example:
Copy a permanent link and code as markdown
The second option not only copies the link but also copies the piece of selected text properly wrapped in a markdown code block with the programming language correctly specified. For example:
Object.assign(config, {
operatorsAliases: false,
benchmark: true,
logging: (query, ms) => {
logger.debug({ ms }, query)
Which will be rendered as:
Object.assign(config, {
operatorsAliases: false,
benchmark: true,
logging: (query, ms) => {
logger.debug({ ms }, query)
The file must be tracked in a git repo and the current branch must be pushed to
If you've made changes to the file that are not pushed to, the link may be inaccurate.
Extension icon made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY