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pyflagser is a python API for the flagser C++ library by Daniel Lütgehetmann which computes the homology of directed flag complexes. Please check out the original luetge/flagser GitHub repository for more information.

Project genesis

pyflagser is the result of a collaborative effort between L2F SA, the Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience at EPFL, and the Institute of Reconfigurable & Embedded Digital Systems (REDS) of HEIG-VD.



pyflagser requires:

  • Python (>= 3.8)
  • NumPy (>= 1.17.0)
  • SciPy (>= 0.17.0)

User installation

If you already have a working installation of numpy and scipy, the easiest way to install pyflagser is using pip

python -m pip install -U pyflagser


API reference (stable release):


We welcome new contributors of all experience levels. The Giotto community goals are to be helpful, welcoming, and effective. To learn more about making a contribution to pyflagser, please see the CONTRIBUTING.rst file.

Developer installation

C++ dependencies:
  • C++14 compatible compiler
  • CMake >= 3.9
Source code

You can check the latest sources with the command:

git clone
To install:

From the cloned repository's root directory, run

python -m pip install -e ".[tests]"

This way, you can pull the library's latest changes and make them immediately available on your machine.


After installation, you can launch the test suite from outside the source directory:

pytest pyflagser


See the RELEASE.rst file for a history of notable changes to pyflagser.

Important links


[email protected]