Bootstrap 5 html template with over 100+ sections that can be used to build any website.
Default theme used in Vvveb CMS
👉 Live Demo 👉 Page builder demo
- Call to action -
- Features -
- Base -
- Contact form -
- Footer -
- Navigation -
- Posts -
- Pricing table - table/
- Products -
- Showcase -
- Team -
- Testimonials -
npm run gulp
npm run gulp watch
npm run gulp sections
npm run gulp blocks
npm run gulp screenshots
- Clone the repo and run it.
git clone
cd landing
npm i
npm run gulp
├── index.html -- **default template used for homepage**
├── index.coming-soon.html -- *replaces homepage when site is set to coming soon*
├── index.maintenance.html -- replaces homepage when site is set to maintenance
├── error404.html -- page not found error page
├── error500.html -- internal server error page
├── blank.html -- page with basic layout with minimal or no content
└── content
│ └── index.html - blog page
│ └── post.html - singe post page
│ └── page.html - page template
│ └── tag.html - posts for tag page
│ └── category.html - posts category page
│ └── archive.html - posts for a certain date
│ └── user.html - user posts
└── product
│ └── index.html - shop page
│ └── product.html - singe product page
│ └── manufacturer.html - manufacturer page
│ └── vendor.html - vendor page
│ └── category.html - category page
└── search
│ └── search.html - search page
└── user
│ └── index.html - user dashboard
│ └── signup.html - user signup form
│ └── login.html - site login form
│ └── reset.html - password reset form
│ └── edit.html - user data edit
│ └── address.html - address list
│ └── comments.html - comments list
│ └── orders.html - orders list
│ └── downloads.html - digital products downloads list
└── cart
│ └── cart.html - display cart page
└── checkout
│ └── checkout.html - cart checkout form
│ └── confirm.html - order confirmation page
│ └── confirm.html - order confirmation page
└── email
│ └── order
│ │ └── new.html - template for new order mail
│ │ └── user
│ └── reset.html - template for new order mail
└── signup.html - template for user welcome
For documentation check the theme development documentation
If you like the project you can support it with a PayPal donation or become a backer/sponsor via Open Collective
Apache 2.0