Source code for Finding Action Tubes, created by Georgia Gkioxari at UC Berkeley.
You need Caffe
. Please refer to Caffe installation instructions
The pipeline consists of multiple steps. For simplicity, we break them down to independent procedures.
, add the paths and resolve the dependencies -
Selective search boxes need to be stored in the following format
Video frames need to be stored in the following format
Optical flow computation
compute_OF/compute_flow.m for a pair of images computes flow as described in the paper. im1, im2: input images optical flow images need to be stored in the format `/flow_dir/action/video/0000f.png`
Motion saliency
motion_saliency/get_motion_salient_boxes.m for each frame, prunes boxes (e.g. from Selective Search) based the optical flow signal within each box. annot: set of videos and actions, jhmdb_annot.mat ss_dir: directory containing the boxes flow_dir: directory containing the optical flow images (as computed by A.)
Extract fc7 features
extract_features/rcnn_cache_fc7_features_jhmdb.m extracts fc7 features type: 'spatial' or 'motion' net_def_file: prototxts, `models/jhmdb/extract_fc7.prototxt`. Same for any type net_file: models, use pretrained models for JHMDB as provided in the project page output_dir: cache directory, the features are cached in output_dir/type/action/video/frame.mat
Train SVM models
train_svm/train_jhmdb.m trains SVM models, one for each action annot: ground truth information and boxes (after pruning), jhmdb_motion_sal_annot.mat feat_dir: directory with cached features save_dir: cache directory
Action Tubes
train_svm/compute_tubes.m scores and links detections to create the final action tubes annot: source of boxes, `jhmdb_motion_sal_annot.mat` rcnn_model: the models as computed by train_jhmdb.m
Precomputed tubes
test_tubes/ tubes for all three splits of J-HMDB and UCF sports test_tubes/UCFsports_benchmark/ AUC and ROC numbers for UCFSports and plots (see ipython notebook)
Evaluate/ROC curves
evaluate/get_ROC_curve_JHMDB.m computes ROC and AUC for JHMDB annot: ground truth annotation (annot_jhdmb.mat) tubes: tubes on the test set actions: list of actions iou_thresh: threshold for intersection over union draw: true to draw the curves (For UCF sports the same function was used with some small adjustments regarding the format of the data)
To train action tubes from scratch, you need to train two networks.
Training spatial-CNN and motion-CNN
1. Compute the optical flow as in A.
2. Create `window_train(val).txt` with the window data (similar to R-CNN detection)
3. Use Caffe to train (train prototxt is given in `models/jhmdb/train.prototxt`), and initialize with the proper model
4. In the case of motion-CNN, you need to make two changes in `window_data_layer.cpp`
a. The image mean is for all channels 128 (instead of the image mean provided)
b. During training, when flipping of the input image occurs the flow in x needs to also change sign
Download pretrained models from the project's webpage