This is a containerised version of the popular Jaffle Shop dbt project published by dbt Labs. You can use this project to populate and run Jaffle Shop in a Postgres instance.
You'll first need to build and run the services via Docker (as defined in docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up
The commands above will run a Postgres instance and then build the dbt resources of Jaffle Shop as specified in the repository. These containers will remain up and running so that you can:
- Query the Postgres database and the tables created out of dbt models
- Run further dbt commands via dbt CLI
Once the containers are up and running, you can still make any modifications in the existing dbt project and re-run any command to serve the purpose of the modifications.
In order to build your data models, you first need to access the container.
To do so, we infer the container id for dbt
running container:
docker ps
Then enter the running container:
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
And finally:
# Install dbt deps (might not required as long as you have no -or empty- `dbt_packages.yml` file)
dbt deps
# Build seeds
dbt seeds --profiles-dir profiles
# Build data models
dbt run --profiles-dir profiles
# Build snapshots
dbt snapshot --profiles-dir profiles
# Run tests
dbt test --profiles-dir profiles
Alternatively, you can run everything in just a single command:
dbt build --profiles-dir profiles
In order to query and verify the seeds, models and snapshots created in the dummy dbt project, simply follow the steps below.
Find the container id of the postgres service:
docker ps
Then run
docker exec -it <container-id> /bin/bash
We will then use psql
, a terminal-based interface for PostgreSQL that allows us to query the database:
psql -U postgres
You can list tables and views as shown below:
postgres=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | customers | table | postgres
public | orders | table | postgres
public | raw_customers | table | postgres
public | raw_orders | table | postgres
public | raw_payments | table | postgres
(5 rows)
postgres=# \dv
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | stg_customers | view | postgres
public | stg_orders | view | postgres
public | stg_payments | view | postgres
(3 rows)
Now you can query the tables constructed form the seeds, models and snapshots defined in the dbt project:
SELEC * FROM <table_or_view_name>;