6547c6e - [+] added goreleaser build .yml, 2nd part of CI auto build
22228ff - [+] added .goreleaser.yml, auto-generated from github-goreleaser.tmpl
5c8ea49 - [] update README
88388c2 - [-] simplify travis test, now that bintray is defunct
50760c2 - [-] remove defunct bintray related files
ddd8500 - [+] add Aliases support
9dd4fe3 - [] regulate main dispatcher name too
6faa4b1 - [] bump golang to v1.15
e858e0c - [] update cli- wireframe templates
cb37eb8 - [] update README, move cli auto-gen to wiki
874424c - [+] add more explain to CLI auto-generation, with showing the .yaml file
3a36294 - [] standardize the sub-func naming convention
b3f447d - [] use jsoncfg as self config parser
7247e4d - [] update wireframe template: add local option vars
d7d1873 - [!] fix travis-bintray CI build