Get users into your apps quickly and securely, using a registration system they already use and trust—their Google account.
Visit our developer site for integration instructions, documentation, support information, and terms of service.
Try either the Objective-C or Swift sample app. For example, to demo the Objective-C sample project, you have two options:
- Using CocoaPod's
git clone
cd GoogleSignIn-iOS/Samples/ObjC/SignInSample/
pod install
open SignInSampleForPod.xcworkspace
- Using Swift Package Manager:
git clone
open GoogleSignIn-iOS/Samples/ObjC/SignInSample/SignInSample.xcodeproj
If you would like to see a Swift example, take a look at Samples/Swift/DaysUntilBirthday.
- Add Google Sign-In to your own app by following our getting started guides.
- Take a look at the API reference.
Google Sign-In allows your users to sign-in to your native macOS app using their Google account
and default browser. When building for macOS, the signInWithConfiguration:
and addScopes:
methods take a presentingWindow:
parameter in place of presentingViewController:
. Note that
in order for your macOS app to store credientials via the Keychain on macOS, you will need to
sign your app.
Google Sign-In also supports iOS apps that are built for macOS via Mac Catalyst. In order for your Mac Catalyst app to store credientials via the Keychain on macOS, you will need to sign your app.
There are several ways to add a 'Sign in with Google' button to your app, which path you choose will depend on your UI framework and target platform.
Creating a 'Sign in with Google' button in SwiftUI can be as simple as this:
GoogleSignInButton {
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(withPresenting: yourViewController) { signInResult, error in
// check `error`; do something with `signInResult`
This example takes advantage of the initializer's default argument for the
view model.
The default arguments for the view model will use the light scheme, the
standard button style, and the normal button state.
You can supply an instance of GoogleSignInButtonViewModel
with different values for these properties to customize the button.
This convenience initializer
provides parameters that you can use to set these values as needed.
If you are not using SwiftUI to build your user interfaces, you can either
create GIDSignInButton
programmatically, or in a Xib/Storyboard.
If you are writing programmatic UI code, it will look something like this:
let button = GIDSignInButton(frame: CGRect(<YOUR_RECT>))
Given that GIDSignInButton
is implemented as a subclass of UIControl
, it
will not be available on macOS.
You can instead use the SwiftUI Google sign-in button.
Doing so will require that you wrap the SwiftUI button in a hosting view so
that it will be available for use in AppKit.
let signInButton = GoogleSignInButton {
GIDSignIn.sharedInstance.signIn(withPresenting: yourViewController) { signInResult, error in
// check `error`; do something with `signInResult`
let hostedButton = NSHostingView(rootView: signInButton)