A place for open discussion of Node.js within JBoss Middleware, including ideas for projects, collaboration, etc.
Here are some of the things the group has been working on.
Most of Red Hat's middleware products expose RESTful APIs of some sort or another. Bucharest Gold has been identifying projects that need assistance in this area and developing or assisting with the project’s NPM client modules. We are attempting to promote consistent code style and build processes across teams for Node.js based components.
To date, we have created or assisted with the following projects.
- Keycloak Auth Utils
- Keycloak Connect
- Keycloak Request Token
- Keycloak Client Registration
- Keycloak Admin Client
- Drools KIE Client
- API Man Admin Client
- Unified Push Registration Client
- Unified Push Admin Client
- Unified Push Registration Client
- Unified Push Node Sender
- The Infinispan client
Currently underway is exploration with Hawkular’s API, identifying areas of potential integration beyond a REST client. An initial goal is to use currently unpublished, but moving towards production, tracing capabilities in Node.js to feed instrumentation data to Hawkular and exposing it via the Business Transaction Management API.
This effort will also naturally result in a REST client as well.
A few side projects have grown so far from our internal development needs.
- Fidelity - a Promise/A+ compliant module
- ROI - a dependency-free http module
- Lightbright - a lightweight module for code tracing
- Genet - a code profiling tool
- Szero - a dependency checker
The release cadence for Node.js has increased significantly and shows no sign of slowing. Node 6.x is current, while Node.js 7.0 is expected in October 2016. The next LTS release, version 8.0, is expected in April 2017. Software Collections have recently released a Node 4.x package to some relief, but to remain current, we need to work with RHEL Software Collections to find a process for regular updates.
One goal is “Make OpenShift a great place for Node.js”. Helio has been experimenting with the CDK, OpenShift 3, and small Node.js projects to identify points of weakness or difficulty. See: bucharest-gold#8