NOTE: The frontend of this application is currently being re-written using AngularJS and may not work as expected
Freelancer Tools (FT) is currently a work in progress. The finished project aims to provide the following functionality to freelancers and independent contractors in a self-hosted environment.
Functionality Currently implemented:
- Invoicing
- Emailing invoices and notifications
- Invoice PDF generation
- Tracking invoice payments
- PayPal Express payments
- Time Tracking
- Create projects, activities and time logs
- Track billed and unbilled time
- Username: demo
- Password: demo
FT is a Symfony 2 based application with the following requirements:
- PHP 5.3.10 or above
- Any additional requirements for Symfony 2.6.x
FT uses [Composer][1] to manage package dependencies.
If you don't have Composer yet, download it and follow the instructions on
Clone FT project with:
git clone
- Install FT dependencies with composer. Go to ft-application folder and run composer installation:
php composer.phar install