An easy-to-use Fortran list (and binary-search tree) library
This is work in progress.
At the moment, the following modules are provided:
to operate with individual nodes of a double-linked listdll_mod
to operate with double-linked lists using the Python-like methodsrbnode_mode
to operate with Red-Black trees
In the future, I intend to move here single linked list and other containers (trees, etc.).
module user_mod
use iso_fortran_env, only : int64
use dllnode_mod, only : DATA_KIND, mold
public test2dat, dat2test
type, public :: testtype_t
integer(int64) :: a(4)
end type
! export wrapper
pure function test2dat(test) result(dat)
type(testtype_t), intent(in) :: test
integer(DATA_KIND), allocatable :: dat(:)
dat = transfer(one,mold)
end function
! import wrapper
pure function dat2test(dat) result(test)
integer(DATA_KIND), intent(in) :: dat
type(testtype_t) :: test
end function
end module
program test_dllnode
use dllnode_mod
implicit none
type(dllnode_t), pointer :: head, newhead, copied_head, imported_head, &
found_node, deleted, next_in_chain, current
integer :: i
integer(DATA_KIND), allocatable :: values(:)
integer, allocatable :: starts(:)
! Initialize empty list
head => null()
! Add integers to the list
do i=1,10
call dllnode_insertinfrontof(head, dllnode_t(transfer(i,mold)), newhead)
head => newhead
end do
! Export list
values = dllnode_export(head, starts)
print '("Exported values = ",*(i0,1x))', values
print '("Exported starts = ",*(i0,1x))', starts
! Make a copy of the list
copied_head => dllnode_t(head)
! Import list
imported_head => dllnode_t(values, starts)
! Find and replace a value in the list
found_node => dllnode_find(head, transfer(4,mold))
if (associated(found_node)) then
call dllnode_update(found_node, transfer(42,mold))
print '("Fail: node not found")'
end if
print '("One node modified = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_export(head)
! Sort the list
head => dllnode_mergesort(head, my_compare_fun)
print '("List sorted = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_export(head)
! Delete node if it is in list
call dllnode_remove(dllnode_find(head, transfer(1,mold)), deleted, next_in_chain)
if (associated(deleted, head)) head => next_in_chain
if (associated(deleted)) then
call dllnode_free(deleted)
print '("Fail: could not find node to delete")'
end if
print '("One node removed = ",*(i0,1x))', dllnode_export(head)
! Iterate over the list
current => head
if (.not. associated(current)) exit
print *, transfer(dllnode_read(current),i)
current => current%nextnode()
end do
! Free the lists
call dllnode_freechain(head)
call dllnode_freechain(imported_head)
call dllnode_freechain(copied_head)
integer function my_compare_fun(adat, bdat) result(ires)
integer(DATA_KIND), dimension(:), intent(in) :: adat, bdat
integer :: a, b
a = transfer(adat,a)
b = transfer(bdat,b)
if (a<b) then
ires = -1
else if (a==b) then
ires = 0
ires = 1
end if
end function
end program test_dllnode
The idea using transfer
function to emulate generic behavior of Fortran comes
from an old paper:
Blevins, J. R., ACM Fortran Forum 28(3), 2-7 (2009).
This work-in-progress code is provided under the MIT license.