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Releases: gstt/laravel-achievements

Laravel-Achievements v1.1 Beta 1

15 Sep 11:50
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Laravel-Achievements v1.1 Beta 1

Included features

Beta 1 includes the following features:

  • Achievement Chains
  • Customized Table Names

About v1.1

Version 1.1 will target Laravel 5.6 and is scheduled to include the following features:

Automatic Service Provider

Version 1.1 will contain automatic service provider detection. Thanks to everyone that pointed out this absent feature.

Improved Documentation

Version 1.1 will include documentation using Github Pages and will add more detailed explanation on how to use laravel-achievements both on backend and on frontend.

Frontend Templates

Version 1.1 will ship with blade templates to be used as a boilerplate for developers to use on their projects. The templates included with the projects will be:

  • Achievement Progress Alert - a simple alert to be displayed whenever a user unlocks an Achievement.
  • Achievement Unlock Alert - a simple alert to be displayed whenever a user unlocks an Achievement
  • Achievement Listing Page - a page that will list all achievements enabled on the site.
  • Achievement Listing by User - a page that will list all achievements enabled for a specific User.

Achievement Chains

Version 1.1 will ship with Achievement Chains. As described on #30, it will allow developers to join within a single class multiple Achievements that track the same functionality. Thanks to @kgenly for suggestions on additional functionalities for this feature.

Customized Table Names

Version 1.1 will ship with Customized Table Names. As described on #33, it allows users to customize the table names that will store achievement related data. Thanks to @vgsh for requesting.


08 Mar 03:43
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Stable release.

Release Candidate 2

02 Mar 03:35
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Locked achievements

  • Two settings for implementing locked achievements: synced or unsynced.
    • Synced achievements automatically updates all Achievements in the Achiever list, adding a record on achievement_progress with 0 points for all Achievements the user still didn't progressed into.
      • This method overrides the previous behavior on the achievements() relationship, which previously only returned data for Achievements where the Achiever actually unlocked or made progress to.
      • This is the default method for new installations.
    • Unsynced achievements keep the previous behavior of the achievements() relationship and returns locked achievements via a DB query.
      • This method makes the achievements() relationship not return locked achievement data.

Event handler

  • Achievements now trigger events when an Achiever unlocks or progresses in it. These events can be listened to provide "Achievement Unlocked" notifications.
  • Previous handlers whenUnlocked and whenProgressed on the Achievement classes are now documented and can also be added in order to trigger events specific to these Achievements.


  • Updated documentation with the newest additions.
  • Added a docs folder for further documentation on GitHub Pages.


  • addProgressToAchiever() now has a default value of 1 point. Previous behavior is unaltered.
  • Source is now PSR-4 compatible for better readability.


22 Feb 23:43
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RC1 Pre-release

First release candidate.