PyComplete is an autocomplete library for python.
PyComplete suggests the K
most frequent words for a given prefix. PyComplete records input words and adjusts their frequencies. When a prefix is given as input, the K
most frequent words with that prefix are suggested.
Suppose K = 3
and one records the words what
10 times, when
4 times, who
2 times, and whale
1 time. Then the prefix wh
is given as input.
PyComplete would suggest: what, when, who
PyComplete by default remembers the 1000 most frequent words the user type. This is a parameter that the user can change.
# record word and update frequency
def record_word(words: str) -> Void:
# the top k most frequent words with a given prefix
def suggest_words(prefix: str, k: int) -> []:
- Make sure python3 and pip3 are installed
- navigate to project directory
- to install required dependencies type
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- for a quick demo run
- To run test cases
- to use PyComplete in a project
import autocomplete as ac
import topktrie as tkt