npm install
We use mostly models provided by transformers.js.
The steps to download the models we use:
Set ORT_PERF_DIR is set to root of this project.
Set TJS_DIR to the root of the transformers.js repo.
git clone
pip install optimum
ort-perf assumes all models are in the models directory. Copy or link the transformers.js models to that models directory:
mkdir models/
ln -s $TJS_DIR/models models/tjs
npx light-server -s . -p 8888
point your browser to http://localhost:8888/ort-perf.html
npx light-server -s . -p 8888
npx playwright test
The playwright configuration currently is somewhat hard coded. Take a look at playwright.config.js. Also take a look at ort-perf.spec.js and change settings to your needs.
ort-perf is configured by arguments on the url. Currently supported:
the model path, ie. tjs/t5-small/onnx/encoder_model.onnx
the model name.
filter pre-configured models to the given set. Currently supported is default and tjs-demo. The later has all models used by with similar parameters.
Only valid for webnn: cpu|gpu
number of threads to use
1 = capture onnxruntime profile output for 20 runs
How the input data for the model is generated. See ort-perf.html for supported types.
1 = verbose onnxruntime output
Mimimum numbers of queries to run (default=30).
Minimum time to run (default=10sec)
Sequence length if model supports it (default=128)
Encoder sequence length if models supports it (default=128)
1 = start benchmark directly
1 = generate csv output