This manual describes the necessary steps to follow in order to compile the code examples in the GENIVI/vsomeip in 10 minutes tutorial on a macOS host. Also, it describes how to configure the tutorial for fuzzing with AFL++.
A Dockerfile will follow at a later point in time.
Developed and tested on the following setup:
- macOS 10.15.5
- vsomeip 3.1.14
- boost 1.65.1
- docker
Don't forget to replace <your-working-directory> below.
cd <your-working-directory>
git clone
docker pull ubuntu:18.04
docker run -it -v <your-working-directory>/vsomeip:/root/vsomeip --name vsomeip ubuntu:18.04
docker exec -it vsomeip bash
docker start vsomeip
docker stop vsomeip
apt update
apt install -y aptitude
apt install -y nano
apt install -y git
apt install -y libboost-system1.65-dev libboost-thread1.65-dev libboost-log1.65-dev
apt install -y cmake protobuf-compiler
apt install -y gcc-5
apt install -y g++-5
apt install -y g++
apt install -y asciidoc source-highlight doxygen graphviz
apt install -y net-tools
apt install -y iputils-ping
aptitude search boost
cd /root/vsomeip
mkdir build
cd build/
mkdir -p /root/vsomeip/examples/tutorial/build
cd /root/vsomeip/examples/tutorial
git clone
cd build
cmake ..
make request response
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/root/vsomeip/build ./service
In case you would like to build the fuzzing target with a compiler other than one that is shipped with AFL++, run the following call to cmake
CC=gcc CXX=g++ cmake -D USE_GCC=ON ..
make fuzzing
Replace the call to cmake
in section 4 with the following instruction below:
CC=/usr/local/bin/afl-clang-fast CXX=/usr/local/bin/afl-clang-fast++ cmake -DENABLE_SIGNAL_HANDLING=1 -DENABLE_MULTIPLE_ROUTING_MANAGERS=1 ..
Replace the calls to cmake
and make
in section 5 with the following instruction below:
CC=/usr/local/bin/afl-clang-fast CXX=/usr/local/bin/afl-clang-fast++ cmake ..
make fuzzing
Run a fuzzing session by calling:
afl-fuzz -m 500 -i afl/input/ -o afl/finding/ ./fuzzing @@
You might want to make sure that AFL++ catches crashes in the vsomeip library prior to long fuzzing sessions. You can add following code to vsomeip/implementation/logger/src/message.cpp
which causes a null pointer exception whenever the fuzzed payload in buffer_
is equal to one of the items in vector v
if (level_ == level_e::LL_FATAL) {
std::vector<std::string> v = {"Hello", "hullo", "hell"};
if (std::find(v.begin(), v.end(), buffer_.data_.str()) != v.end()) {
*(int *)0 = 0; // crash: null pointers cannot be dereferenced to a value
The crash can be triggered by inserting the fuzzed payload to the <<
operator of VSOMEIP_FATAL
somewhere in fuzzing.cpp
VSOMEIP_FATAL << str_payload;