Simple Trading Bot (still pre-alpha!). Connects to your binance account and tries to trade between 2 coins only accepting orders that will generate win. Needs
I have forked the original api to be able to implement minor extensions easily. Also there is a major bug in the original API (regarding multi-tenancy) that is fixed in this version: branch henry-master.
cd ~/git
git clone
cd binance-java-api
mvn install
cd ~/git
git clone
cd binance-marketmaker/marketmaker
mvn install
mvn spring-boot:run
Access your Marketmaker at http://localhost:8080/
First you must register a user and upload your api-key.
Create your API-Key here: Edit your profile and fill in api-key and secret.
Log in as sa (Password can be set in You are automatically redirected to the H2 Database Console. Use the JDBC URL jdbc:h2:~/h2/marketmaker.
The app has lots of bugs and it's state is far from being ready! These bugs may lead to major loss! Be careful to understand the sourcecode before using it for dealing with high amounts of coins!
I appreciate comments, bugreports and suggestions for further development...
Thanks, Christopher Downer, for sharing the coin icons. Check out his project here: