- A cosmos-sdk module which helps to retrive L1 on-chain state in the context of cosmos app.
- It facilites querying of operator set with stake for given block and quorum to be used for consensus and block advancement in cosmos chain.
- Implementation uses
contract via eigensdk
This repository setup can also be used as template to boostrap other modules that require interacting with eigenlayer L1 contracts
- Add more methods to module to allow querying more complex logic
- Add simulation and more test cases
- Add support for ingesting event logs and checkpoint operator set in KVStore
- Integrate with other standard cosmos modules such as
- Create modules which writes updates to cometbft's
validator set by integratingx/staking
standard modules with AVS events - Add support for BLS signature verification for CometBFT node
service Query {
rpc OperatorState(QueryOperatorStateRequest)
returns (QueryOperatorStateResponse) {
option (cosmos.query.v1.module_query_safe) = true;
option (google.api.http).get = "/cosmoavs/statesync/{block}/{quorum}";
Supports default cosmos chain GRPC, REST and native method calling via keeper
message GenesisState {
uint64 l1_chain_id = 1;
uint64 l1_start_block = 2;
string registry_coordinator = 3;
string operator_state_retriever = 4;
Basic test cases for genesis and state querying using eigenda
mainnet deployment
cd ./x/statesync/keeper && RPC_URL="https://rpc.ankr.com/eth" go test