This contains some sample codes from OpenVX mapping of a light-weight tracking system for Synopsys quad-core IP subsystem.
To keep the algorithm and the codes confidential, only random part of the codes are selected for demosntration. The application contains roughly around 20,000 lines of code.
Some info:
- mapping of embedded tracking application for Synopsys IP subsystem (ARC HS family).
- A light-weight visual tracking system for long-term face tracking.
- OpenVX capturing and mapping of a visual tracker with frame-level execution pipeline.
- Mapping of a deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) face detector with trainable filters.
Peak inside:
vxGraphManager.h contains a graph that performs the tracking part.
The graph consists of:
- Grayscale node
- Integral image node
- Image pyramid node
- CNN node
- Non-max suppression node
- Context-aware tracking node (Picked as a sample in evss_cntx_track_kernel.cpp)
- Cascade detect node
- Learning Node