The idea is to build an automated process for benchmark generation and publishing.
It currently use CI to generate benchmark results to guarantee all the numbers are generated from the same environment at nearly the same time. All benchmark tests are executed in a single CI job
Once a change is merged into main branch, the CI job will re-generate and publish the static website
- Compare performance differences between different languages. Note that implementations might be using different optimizations, e.g. with or w/o multithreading, please do read the source code to check if it's a fair comparison or not.
- Compare performance differences between different compilers or runtimes of the same language with the same source code.
- Facilitate benchmarking on real server environments as nowadays more and more applications are deployed with docker/k8s. It's likely to get a very different result from what you get on your dev machine.
- A reference for CI setup / Dev environment setup / package management setup for different languages. Refer to Github action
- It focuses more on new programming languages, classic programming languages that are covered by CLBG receive limited or no maintenance, based on their popularity.
To achieve better SEO, the published site is static and prerendered, powered by nuxt.js.
The website is hosted on Vercel
git clone
cd website
pnpm i
pnpm build
pnpm dev
All benchmarks are defined in bench.yaml
Current benchmarks problems and their implementations are from The Computer Language Benchmarks Game ( Repo)
podman (or docker by changing docker_cmd: podman
to docker_cmd: docker
in bench/bench.yaml
The 1st step is to build source code from various of languages
cd bench
# To build a subset
dotnet run -p tool -- --task build --langs lisp go --problems nbody helloworld --force-rebuild
# To build all
dotnet run -p tool -- --task build
The 2nd step is to test built binaries to ensure the correctness of their implementation
cd bench
# To test a subset
dotnet run -p tool -- --task test --langs lisp go --problems nbody helloworld
# To test all
dotnet run -p tool -- --task test
The 3rd step is to generate benchmarks
cd bench
# To bench a subset
dotnet run -p tool -- --task bench --langs lisp go --problems nbody helloworld
# To bench all
dotnet run -p tool -- --task bench
For usage
cd bench
dotnet run -p tool -- -h
Main function
BenchTool [options]
--config <config> Path to benchmark config file [default: bench.yaml]
--algorithm <algorithm> Root path that contains all algorithm code [default: algorithm]
--include <include> Root path that contains all include project templates [default: include]
--build-output <build-output> Output folder of build step [default: build]
--task <task> Benchmark task to run, valid values: build, test, bench [default: build]
--force-pull-docker A flag that indicates whether to force pull docker image even when it exists [default: False]
--force-rebuild A flag that indicates whether to force rebuild [default: False]
--fail-fast A Flag that indicates whether to fail fast when error occurs [default: False]
--build-pool A flag that indicates whether builds that can run in parallel [default: False]
--verbose A Flag that indicates whether to print verbose information [default: False]
--no-docker A Flag that forces disabling docker [default: False]
--langs <langs> Languages to include, e.g. --langs go csharp [default: ]
--problems <problems> Problems to include, e.g. --problems binarytrees nbody [default: ]
--environments <environments> OS environments to include, e.g. --environments linux windows [default: ]
--version Show version information
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
Lastly you can re-generate website with latest benchmark numbers
cd website
pnpm i
pnpm content
pnpm build
serve dist
Integrate test environment info into website
Integrate build / test / benchmark information into website
This is inspired by The Computer Language Benchmarks Game, thanks to the curator.
Code of problem implementation from The Computer Language Benchmarks Game is under their Revised BSD
Other code in this repo is under MIT.