Basic library for Country, State and City
Data Source:
For any data related issue, you can also raise a Issue here.
npm i country-state-city
- Release v3.2.0
- To optimize bundle size, the data JSON files have undergone minification. For instance, the
file, which was originally around 25MB in an unminified state, has now been reduced to approximately 8MB through minification. - The structure of the
file has been transformed from an Array of Objects to an Array of Arrays of Strings. Previously, the file contained duplicate property names for each object, resulting in a minified file size of 16MB due to JSON formatting requirements. To further minimize this, the file structure has been converted to an Array of Arrays, astonishingly reducing the size to 8MB. - To accommodate this updated structure, modifications were made to the
file. Importantly, these changes do not affect the functionality of existing code. All existing code will continue to work seamlessly without any breaking changes.
- To optimize bundle size, the data JSON files have undergone minification. For instance, the
- Release v3.1.0
- Usage
- Docs
- The data folder in the root contains all the data of Countries, their States and Cities
- The earlier large big JSONs are split into smaller JSONs and stored in separate files and folder
- The advantage of doing so is to make it easy to check, test and submit the change. It's easier to review a small file than a large file. It's easier to debug any missing or wrong values in a small file.
- This will help in future optimisation
- There is a separate folder for each country
- Each Country folder contains Country's information and its states as sub-child folders
- The Country's info is also split into - Country Lite, Plain, Geo, TimeZone's.
- Inside each Country - there are Sub-folder of State
- Each State folder contains State's information and its Cities as sub-child files
- State's info is also split into - State Lite, Geo
- Inside each State - there are JSON files of City
- Each City file contains information of all the Cities of that particular State
- Cities info is split into two files - City Lite, Geo
- Code change - make the necessary change, raise the PR.
- Data changes - Database is in
folder in the root. Please follow this guidelines. - Update: Add the necessary changes in the particular files with proper structure and format and then raise the PR.
- Add New - Country, State, City - follow the proper folder structure and raise the P.R or simply share the JSONs in an issue with proper and up to date reference.
- Deleting - Country, State, City - remove the necessary files/folder - update the necessary files and raise the PR or simply share the updated JSONs in an issue with a proper and up to date reference.
- Queries/Issues related to wrong data must be provided with some references.
- For any Geo-Political related queries, border conflicts - things will be updated when multiple proper references has been provided.
Please follow this guidelines
- After the changes gets merged, a script will be run to combine all the data in a separate but single file for each Country, State, City as we have earlier without affecting out library functions and only those three files are passed to the build code and then it gets released.
- In future we will be working on how to use these split files to optimise this library further.
ES6 Module usage
// Latest version - v3.0.0 with Tree Shaking to reduce bundle size import { Country, State, City } from 'country-state-city'; console.log(Country.getAllCountries()) console.log(State.getAllStates()) // Import Interfaces` import { ICountry, IState, ICity } from 'country-state-city'
AMD Module usage
// Latest version - v3.0.0 let Country = require('country-state-city').Country; let State = require('country-state-city').State; console.log(Country.getAllCountries()) console.log(State.getAllStates())
ES6 Module usage
import csc from 'country-state-city';
AMD Module usage
let csc = require('country-state-city').default;
It accepts a valid CountryCode
eg: 'AS'
and returns Country Details
type: json | ICountry
"isoCode": "IN",
"name": "India",
"phonecode": "91",
"flag": "๐ฎ๐ณ",
"currency": "INR",
"latitude": "20.00000000",
"longitude": "77.00000000",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Kolkata",
"gmtOffset": 19800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+05:30",
"abbreviation": "IST",
"tzName": "Indian Standard Time"
It accepts a valid StateCode
eg: 'TG'
eg: 'IN'
and returns State Details
type: json | ICountry
"name": "Telangana",
"isoCode": "TG",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "18.11243720",
"longitude": "79.01929970"
It accepts a valid CountryCode
and returns all States as Array of JSON
type: array of json | IState
"name": "Delhi",
"isoCode": "DL",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "28.70405920",
"longitude": "77.10249020"
It accepts a valid CountryCode
, StateCode
and returns all Cities as Array of JSON
type: array of json | ICity
"name": "New Delhi",
"countryCode": "IN",
"stateCode": "DL",
"latitude": "28.63576000",
"longitude": "77.22445000"
It accepts a valid CountryCode
and returns all Cities as Array of JSON
type: array of json | ICity
"name": "New Delhi",
"countryCode": "IN",
"stateCode": "DL",
"latitude": "28.63576000",
"longitude": "77.22445000"
It returns all Countries
type: array of json | ICountry
"isoCode": "IN",
"name": "India",
"phonecode": "91",
"flag": "๐ฎ๐ณ",
"currency": "INR",
"latitude": "20.00000000",
"longitude": "77.00000000",
"timezones": [
"zoneName": "Asia\/Kolkata",
"gmtOffset": 19800,
"gmtOffsetName": "UTC+05:30",
"abbreviation": "IST",
"tzName": "Indian Standard Time"
It returns all States
type: array of json | IState
"name": "Delhi",
"isoCode": "DL",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "28.70405920",
"longitude": "77.10249020"
It returns all Cities
type: array of json | ICity
"name": "Delhi",
"isoCode": "DL",
"countryCode": "IN",
"latitude": "28.70405920",
"longitude": "77.10249020"
@baywet - For mentoring Javascript to Typescript Conversion
@dr5hn - For updated World Data Dictionary
taylorthurlow - For pointing into right direction - Module Tree Shaking