- Top stores from Google News
- Most visited websites
- Dark Mode
- 12 different themes
- Upload own theme images
- Current weather & forecast weather
- Select from 91 different regions and languages including United States, India, China, and others
- Select from 10 different topics including Topic Stories, Business, Technology, Sports, and others
- Loads faster than the default Chrome new tab page
- Bootstrap 3, jFeed, simpleWeather.js
- HTML5 File API for uploading images to local storage
- Responsive design
- Thumbnails are cached in base64 encoding for 30 minutes in Chrome local storage for speed (because cache headers are not sent by Google)
- Parsed RSS feeds are cached 30 minutes in Chrome local storage for speed
- Settings stored in Chrome sync'ed storage.
- Fonts included locally for speed
- Weather forecast loaded from Yahoo Weather
To run JS/CSS/HTML concatenation/uglification/optimization
> gulp watch
To create a release
> ./release.sh
- Full screen theme image
- Allowing arbitrary RSS feeds
- Rotating theme images (on every load, daily, weekly)