Solo stakers on Ethereum can easily see how much ETH they have made by looking at the ETH balance on their withdrawal address.
For rETH holders it is a bit more difficult as rETH does not rebase and therefore a holder always have the same amount of rETH which increases in value. If an reth holder wants to skim the rewards they have to manually calculate the exchange rate for a certain period and sell the excess.
This website calculates the rETH value increase relative to ETH for a given period and directly exchanges the excess rETH to ETH using the deposit contract.
The website is deployed to
To develop do the following:
npm install
npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./dist/output.css --watch
npm start
A browser window should open with the current state of the website. Happy coding.
To deploy a new website:
npm run deploy
-> use a github access token as the password
The rETH skimmer uses its own backend you can find the repository here:
Uses rainbow kit for wallet connection and tailwind-ui for UI elements.