This development library supports rapid development of FrameWork functionality for apps; No need to integrate framework. jar; No system permissions required; A few simple lines of code can enrich the functionality of your app.
ability | function |
DeviceModel | api.yfgetAndroidDeviceModel() |
AndroidVersion | api.yfgetAndroidVersion() |
SerialNumber | api.yfgetSerialNumber() |
KernelVersion | api.yfgetKernelVersion() |
FirmwareVersion | api.yfgetFirmwareVersion() |
BuildDate | api.yfgetBuildDate() |
DDR size | api.yfgetRAMSize() |
Internal Storage Memory size | api.yfgetInternalStorageMemory() |
AvailableInternal Internal Storage Memory size | api.yfgetAvailableInternalMemorySize() |
shutdown | api.yfShutDown() |
reboot | api.yfReboot() |
lcd backlight on | api.yfSetLCDOn() |
lcd backlight off | api.yfSetLCDOff() |
take screenshot | api.yfTakeScreenshot("/mnt/sdcard", picname) |
rotation | api.yfsetRotation(degree) |
get Screen Height | api.yfgetScreenHeight() |
get Screen Width | api.yfgetScreenWidth() |
set NavigationBar Visibility | api.yfsetNavigationBarVisibility(true) |
set StatusBar Display | api.yfsetStatusBarDisplay(true) |
set StatusBar Undisplay | api.yfsetStatusBarDisplay(false) |
slient install apk | api.yfslientinstallapk(path) |
get mac address | api.yfgetEthMacAddress() |
get Ip Address | api.yfgetIpAddress() |
switch ethernet STATIC and set Ip Address | api.yfsetEthIPAddress("", "", "", "") |
Swtich ethernet to DHCP | api.yfsetEthDhcp() |
get ethernet status | api.yfgetEthStatus() |
get SD Path | api.yfgetSDPath() |
get Internal SD Path | api.yfgetInternalSDPath() |
get USB Disk Path | api.yfgetUSBPath() |
get Current NET TYPE | api.yfgetCurrentNetType() |
set 2 minutes to shutdown and 2 minutes to power on | Intent intent = new Intent(""); // { 2016, 12, 12, 17, 55 }; intent.putExtra("timeon", timeonArray); intent.putExtra("timeoff", timeoffArray); intent.putExtra("enable", true); sendBroadcast(intent); |
set humansensor timeout 30s | api.yfsetHumanSensor(30) |
slient_install2 | Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(""); intent.putExtra("path","/storage/emulated/0/YF_reboot.apk"); intent.putExtra("isboot",true); sendBroadcast(intent); |
** Factory Reset ** | Intent intent = new Intent("android.intent.action.FACTORY_RESET"); intent.setPackage("android"); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND); intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.REASON", "MasterClearConfirm"); intent.putExtra("android.intent.extra.WIPE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE", true); intent.putExtra("", true); sendBroadcast(intent); |