This template includes:
- Easy settings setup with Decouple
- Support to pytest and pytest-django
- Use of URL's to manage database access
- Static assets serving with dj-static with a WSGI server
Lets create your project, you will not clone this repo, just follow the instructions bellow.
NOTE: You may need need to replace myproject placeholder to your project's name, it can break the installation.
mkdir myproject
cd myproject
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install django
Now we can pull Django Quickstart Structure to Project
django-admin startproject --template --name=Procfile,.env myproject .
And then, proceed with the installation of quickstart's requirements.
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Last but not least, deploy our app in heroku:
IMPORTANT: Before doing so, you will need to install and login into heroku-cli
git init
git add .
git commit -m 'Initial import'
heroku create myproject
heroku config:set DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY=`cat .env | grep SECRET_KEY | cut -d = -f 2` ALLOWED_HOSTS="*"
git push heroku master
PROJECT_NAME=myproject && \
python -m venv .venv && \
source .venv/bin/activate && \
python -m pip install --upgrade pip && \
python -m pip install django
django-admin startproject --template --name=Procfile,.env,pytest.ini $PROJECT_NAME . && \
pip install --prefer-binary -r requirements-dev.txt && \
git init && \
git add . && \
git commit -m 'Initial import' && \
heroku create $PROJECT_NAME && \
heroku config:set DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY=`cat .env | grep SECRET_KEY | cut -d = -f 2` ALLOWED_HOSTS="*" && \
git push heroku master