Open source ecosystem for open FPGA boards
Apio (pronounced [ˈa.pjo]) is a multiplatform toolbox, with static pre-built packages, project configuration tools and easy command interface to verify, synthesize, simulate and upload your verilog designs.
Apio is used by Icestudio.
- Installation
- Apio packages
- Supported boards
- Documentation
- Development
- Videos
- Authors
- Contributors
- License
Find all the information on this WIKI PAGE
Package | Installation | Description |
drivers | apio install drivers | Drivers tools (only for Windows) |
examples | apio install examples | Verilog basic examples, pinouts, etc |
gtkwave | apio install gtkwave | Simulation viewer. GTKWave project (only for Windows) |
yosys | apio install yosys | FPGA synthesis. Yosys project |
ice40 | apio install ice40 | iCE40 place & route and configuration tools. Icestorm project |
ecp5 | apio install ecp5 | ECP5 tools including Project Trellis and nextpnr |
iverilog | apio install iverilog | Verilog simulation and synthesis tool. Icarus Verilog project |
scons | apio install scons | A software construction tool. Scons project |
verilator | apio install verilator | Verilog HDL simulator. Verilator project |
icesprog | apio install icesprog | Programmer for the iCESugar |
fujprog | apio install fujprog | Programmer for ULX2/3S boards |
Supported platforms
linux_x86_64, linux_i686, linux_armv7l, linux_aarch64, windows_x86, windows_amd64, darwin.
Board name | Interface |
IceZUM Alhambra | FTDI |
Nandland Go board | FTDI |
iCEstick Evaluation Kit | FTDI |
iCEblink40-HX1K | Digilent Adept |
Board name | Interface |
Alhambra II | FTDI |
BlackIce | Serial |
BlackIce II | Serial |
Blackice-mx | Serial |
CAT Board | GPIO RPi |
icoBOARD 1.0 | GPIO RPi |
Kéfir I iCE40-HX4K | FTDI |
iCE40-HX8K Breakout Board | FTDI |
Alchitry Cu | FTDI |
iceFUN | Serial |
iceWerx | Serial |
Board name | Interface |
TinyFPGA B2 | Serial |
TinyFPGA BX | Serial |
Board name | Interface |
arice1 | |
Fomu | DFU |
FPGA 101 Workshop Badge Board | FTDI |
iCEBreaker | FTDI |
iCEBreaker bitsy | DFU |
iCE40 UltraPlus Breakout Board | FTDI |
UPDuino v1.0 | FTDI |
UPDuino v2.0 | FTDI |
UPDuino v2.1 | FTDI |
UPDuino v3.0 | FTDI |
iCESugar v1.5 | FTDI |
OK-iCE40Pro | FTDI |
Board name | Interface |
OrangeCrab r0.2 | DFU |
ButterStick r1.0 | DFU |
TinyFPGA-EX-rev1 | Serial |
TinyFPGA-EX-rev2 | Serial |
ULX3S-12F | Ujprog |
ULX3S-25F | Ujprog |
ULX3S-45F | Ujprog |
ULX3S-85F | Ujprog |
Versa | |
ColorLight-5A-75B-V61 | FT2232H |
ColorLight-5A-75B-V7 | FT2232H |
ColorLight-5A-75B-V8 | FT2232H |
ColorLight-5A-75E-V6 | FT2232H |
ColorLight-5A-75E-V71 | FT2232H, FT232H or USB-Blaster |
ColorLight-i5-v7.0 | FT2232H, FT232H or USB-Blaster |
iCESugar-Pro | FT2232H, FT232H or USB-Blaster |
FleaFPGA-Ohm | FT2232H, FT232H or USB-Blaster |
ECP5-Evaluation-Board | FT2232H |
Board name | Interface |
iCESugar-nano | FTDI |
NOTE: all supported Icestorm FPGAs can be used with --fpga or --size, --type and --pack options.
The complete documentation of the project can be found in Read the Docs: There is also a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) that you can check here.
git clone
cd apio
pip install tox
tox -e offline
tox -e coverage
cd docs
make html
firefox _build/html/index.html
Also you can find the debian scripts to package the full application and all the packages here:
Thanks Salvador E. Tropea!
APIO was inspired by PlatformIO.
FPGAwars community has developed this project in a voluntary and altruistic way since 11/2016.
BQ sponsored this project from 02/2016 to 11/2016. Thanks.
Licensed under GPL 2.0 and Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.