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Simple gRPC Stub Server

Getting Started

Folder Structure

You are only required to mount a volume named /services whose shape matches:

How to structure the definition file?
/* /services.definition.js */

const SayHello = (call, callback) => {
  const { name } = call.request;

  return callback(null, { message: `Howdy ${name}, welcome aboard!` });

const greeter = () => ({
  protoPath: "/services/proto/greeter.proto",
  packageName: "greeter",
  serviceName: "Greet",
  options: {
    keepCase: false,
  routes: {

module.exports = [greeter /* ... */] as StubbedService[];
/* /proto/greeter.proto */


package greeter;

service Greet {
  rpc SayHello (SayHelloRequest) returns (SayHelloResponse) {}

message SayHelloRequest {
  string name = 1;

message SayHelloResponse {
  string message = 1;
type StubbedService = () => StubbedServiceOptions;

type RouteName = string;

type RouteHandler = (call, callback) => void;

interface StubbedServiceOptions {
   * The name of your package as stated in the protofile (e.g. 'grpc_stub')
  packageName: string;

   * The name of your service as stated in the protofile (e.g. 'Heartbeat')
  serviceName: string;

   * The path to your protofile (e.g. '/services/proto/greeter.proto')
  protoPath: string;

   * The gRPC Server Options (optional)
  options?: {
    keepCase?: true;
    longs?: String;
    enums?: String;
    defaults?: true;
    oneofs?: true;

   * An object whose keys should match rpc method names (as defined in the protofile)
   * and whose values should be their related callbacks.
  routes: Record<RouteName, RouteHandler>;

Running the StubServer

docker run -tid \
  -p 3333:3333 \
  -v $(pwd)/example-services:/services \


brew install grpcurl
grpcurl \
  -proto heartbeat.proto \
  -plaintext \
  -d '{}' \ grpc_stub.Heartbeat/Liveness

grpcurl \
  -proto heartbeat.proto \
  -plaintext \
  -d '{ "left": 23, "right": 66 }' \ grpc_stub.Heartbeat/Sum