This is the official implementation of diff-gaussian-rasterization module in CG-SLAM.
We have decomposed the entire pose derivation process from top to bottom, which is clearly visualized in the following figures. More detailed results will come soon!!!!
In this version, we convert the entire above derivation into a CUDA module. This version may be a bit redundant for the SLAM task, but we believe that this version should be exposed to more researchers to contribute to other 3D Gaussian topics.
git clone
cd diff-gaussian-rasterization-full
pip install .
This is the method to invoke our diff-gaussian-rasterization library.
render(viewpoint_cam, self.gaussians, self.pipe_hyper, self.background, viewmatrix=w2cT, fov=(self.half_tanfovx, self.half_tanfovy), HW=(self.H, self.W), gt_depth=gt_depth)
In our specially designed diff-gaussian-rasterization framework, we add a set of arguements:
--viewmatrix: Transformation matrix from the world coordinate to the camera coordinate.
--fov: Field of view.
--HW: Image height and width.
--gt_depth: Ground truth depth map used for depth-related rasterization.
- The output of
is adict{}
--'render': Rendered Color map.
--'depth': Rendered Depth map.
--'opacity_map': Rendered Silhouette map.
In our proposed CG-SLAM, due to efficiency, we adopted this light version, in which we ignored parts that have a minimal impact on the pose estimation. Specifically, we ignored the following two parts:
High-order SH coefficients (Color branch)
Projected 2D covariance in EWA Splatting (Blue boxes in Opacity branch)
git clone
cd diff-gaussian-rasterization-light
pip install .
This is the method to invoke our diff-gaussian-rasterization library.
render(viewpoint_cam, self.gaussians, self.pipe_hyper, self.background, viewmatrix=w2cT, fov=(self.half_tanfovx, self.half_tanfovy), HW=(self.H, self.W), gt_depth=gt_depth, track_off=True, map_off=False)
In our specially designed diff-gaussian-rasterization framework, we add a set of arguements:
--viewmatrix: Transformation matrix from the world coordinate to the camera coordinate.
--fov: Field of view.
--HW: Image height and width.
--gt_depth: GGround truth depth map used for depth-related rasterization.
--track_off: Flag to turn off the tracking component in the mapping process.
--map_off: Flag to turn off the mapping component in the tracking process.
- The output of
is adict{}
--'render': Rendered Color map.
--'depth': Rendered Depth map.
--'depth_median': Depth map rendered by an alternative 'median strategy'.
--'opacity_map': Rendered Silhouette map.
--'depth_var': Rendered Uncertainty map (depth variance).
--'gau_uncertainty': Uncertainty of the Gaussian primitives.
--'num_related_pixels': Number of dominated pixels related to the Gaussian primitives.
title={CG-SLAM: Efficient Dense RGB-D SLAM in a Consistent Uncertainty-aware 3D Gaussian Field},
author={Hu, Jiarui and Chen, Xianhao and Feng, Boyin and Li, Guanglin and Yang, Liangjing and Bao, Hujun and Zhang, Guofeng and Cui, Zhaopeng},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.16095},