Apply Ramer–Douglas–Peucker line simplification to GeoJSON features or feature collections in JS or on the CLI.
This module uses for the simplification and wraps it in a interface for easily simplifying GeoJSON.
npm install simplify-geojson
cat data.geojson | simplify-geojson -t 0.01
Tolerance is specified by either -t
or --tolerance
and is a number in degrees (e.g. lat/lon distance). 1 degree is roughly equivalent to 69 miles. the default is 0.001, which is around a city block long.
var simplify = require('simplify-geojson')
var simplified = simplify(geojson, tolerance)
can be any of the following:
- Feature with a LineString
- Feature with a MultiLineString
- Feature with a Polygon
- Feature with a MultiPolygon
- FeatureCollection with any of the above
All segments in any of the supported types will be simplified (including holes in polygons, for instance).
Convert a CSV with lat/lon columns into geojson, then simplify that geojson, then open it in (CSV is from my GPS logger and was my bike commute this morning):
npm install simplify-geojson geojsonio-cli csv2geojson -g
curl | \
csv2geojson --lat "LATITUDE N/S" --lon "LONGITUDE E/W" --line true | \
simplify-geojson -t 0.001 | \
Simplify alaska's border outline and count the number of lines of the simplified geojson output (tweak -t
to see how it affects length):
curl | \
simplify-geojson -t 0.01 | \
wc -l
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