is a command line interface (CLI) to demonstrate the functionalities of 0Chain.
The CLI utilizes the 0chain Go SDK.
can be configured to work with any 0chain network. It uses a config file and a wallet file both stored on the local filesystem.
For most transactions, zwallet
uses the 0dns
to discover the network nodes, creates and submits transaction(s) to the miners, and finally waits for transaction confirmation on the sharders.
- go 1.13
- Clone the
repo and
git clone
cd zwalletcli
- Execute install
make install
- Add config yaml at
The following sample script will set
as your blockchain network.
cat > ~/.zcn/config.yaml << EOF
signature_scheme: bls0chain
min_submit: 50 # in percentage
min_confirmation: 50 # in percentage
confirmation_chain_length: 3
To understand more about the config properties, detailed explanation are found here.
- Run
A list of zwallet
commands should be displayed.
For detailed steps on the installation, follow any of the following:
The following steps assume that your terminal's working directory is inside the zwalletcli
- Register a new wallet
The wallet information is stored on /.zcn/wallet.json
. Initially, there is no wallet yet.
When you execute any zwallet
command, it will automatically create a wallet file locally if none exist.
Run the ls-miners
command and see that it creates a wallet first before completing the command requested which is listing the miner nodes.
./zwallet ls-miners
Sample output
No wallet in path <home dir>/.zcn/wallet.json found. Creating wallet...
ZCN wallet created!!
Creating related read pool for storage smart-contract...
Read pool created successfully
- ID: cdb9b5a29cb5f48b350481694c4645c2db24500e3af210e22e2d10477a68bad2
- Host:
- Port: 31203
- ID: 3d9a10dac6fb3903d4a5283a42ae07b29d8e5d228afcce9bfc14e3e9dbc82748
- Host:
- Port: 31201
- ID: aaa721d5fbf4ca83e20c8c40874ebcb144b86f57173633ff1702968677c2fa98
- Host:
- Port: 31202
- Get some tokens
Faucet smart contract is available and can be used to get tokens to your wallet.
Run the faucet
command to get 1 token.
./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input "need token"
Sample output
Execute faucet smart contract success with txn : 915cfc6fa81eb3622c7082436a8ff752420e89dee16069a625d5206dc93ac3ca
- Check wallet balance
Run the getblance
./zwallet getbalance
Sample output
Balance: 1 (1.76 USD)
- Lock tokens to get interest
Tokens can be locked to gain interest.
Run the lock
command and provide the amount of tokens and how long to lock them.
./zwallet lock --tokens 0.5 --durationMin 5
Sample output
Tokens (0.500000) locked successfully
Check balance right after and see that the locked tokens is deducted but has already gained interest.
./zwallet getbalance
Balance: 0.5000004743 (0.8800008347680001 USD)
That's it! You are now ready to use zwallet
accept global parameters to override default configuration and can be used in any command.
Parameter | Description | Default |
--help |
Show help | |
--config |
Config file | config.yaml |
--configDir |
Config directory | ~/.zcn |
--network |
Network file | network.yaml |
--verbose |
Enable verbose logging | false |
--wallet |
Wallet file | wallet.json |
- Creating and Restoring wallets
- Exploring network nodes
- Getting and sending tokens
- Locking tokens
- Staking on miners and sharders
- Getting the staking config -
- Getting a miner or sharder info for staking -
- Locking a stake on a node -
- Getting the stake pools of a wallet -
- Getting the stake pool info -
- Unlock a stake -
- Updating staking config of a node -
- Getting the staking config -
- Vesting pool
- Checking vesting pool config -
- Adding a vesting pool -
- Checking vesting pool list -
- Checking vesting pool info -
- Triggering a vesting pool work -
- Unlocking tokens of a vesting pool -
- Stopping vesting for a destination -
- Deleting a vesting pool -
- Checking vesting pool config -
Simply run any zwallet
command and it will create a wallet if none exist yet.
Here is a sample with faucet
command and this creates a wallet at default location~/.zcn/wallet.json
./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input "new wallet"
Another faucet
command to create a second wallet at ~/.zcn/new_wallet.json
./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input "new wallet" --wallet new_wallet.json
Verify second wallet
cat ~/.zcn/new_wallet.json
is used when restoring a lost wallet or when loading the wallet from a different computer.
Given a wallet's mnemonics, you can recover and recreate your wallet.
does two
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--mnemonic |
Yes | The mnemonics of the wallet to recover |
Sample command
./zwallet recoverwallet --wallet recovered_wallet.json --mnemonic "pull floor crop best weasel suit solid gown filter kitten loan absent noodle nation potato planet demise online ten affair rich panel rent sell"
Sample output
Wallet recovered!!
Verify recovered wallet
cat ~/.zcn/recovered_wallet.json
is used when needed to register a given wallet to the blockchain. This could be that the blockchain network is reset and you wished to register the same wallet at ~/.zcn/wallet.json
Sample command
./zwallet register
Sample output
Wallet recovered!!
A multi-signature (multisig) wallet is supported by the chain through the Multisig smart contract.
A multisig wallet is a wallet where transactions are voted by its configured signers. A multisig wallet is created by providing the list of signer public keys and the minimum number of votes required to fully signed a transaction.
The Multisig smart contract allows the registration of new multisig wallets, and allows the signers to propose and vote a multisig wallet transactions.
demonstrates the multisig functionality by using the following SDK functions.
RegisterMultiSig - registers the multisig/group wallet with the list of signers. All wallets must be registered already.
RegisterVote - votes for a proposal. This creates a proposal if does not exist and can be used by other signers to add vote. When the threshold number of votes are registered, transaction will be automatically processed. Any extra votes will be ignored.
Note: Proposals have an expiry of 7 days from the time of creation. At this point, it cannot be changed. Any vote coming after the expiry may create a new proposal.
Note: Before a transaction or voting can happen, the group wallet and the signer wallets have to be activated, not just registered. To activate, the wallets must have received tokens.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--numsigners |
Yes | The number of signers of the multisig wallet | ||
--threshold |
Yes | The number of signers required to vote a transaction | ||
--testn |
No | Whether to have all signers vote on the test transation, otherwise just the minimum threshold | false |
Sample command with 3 wallet signers and a threshold of 2 votes.
./zwallet createmswallet --numsigners 3 --threshold 2
Sample output. 4 wallets are registered (3 signers + multisig wallet)
registering 4 wallets
Successfully registered group wallet
Successfully registered signer wallet number 1
Successfully registered signer wallet number 2
Successfully registered signer wallet number 3
Multisig wallet SC registration requested. verifying status
MultisigSC wallet SC registration request success
testing voteRecipient test wallet:
{"client_id":"96b3dc0e88a552da07fdf75a653d4a2c7f629e001c904b3fb0492f2e69db0717","client_key":"f1b19476ec60b413bca66341537873318548701d16a8c0f49b7f6a88c0bf6c1f3852ea8dee5fde0eddb1e9ceb8c21c171f86e1ee39fee5d8aa3b177b5e7f9c24","keys":[{"public_key":"f1b19476ec60b413bca66341537873318548701d16a8c0f49b7f6a88c0bf6c1f3852ea8dee5fde0eddb1e9ceb8c21c171f86e1ee39fee5d8aa3b177b5e7f9c24","private_key":"7c11b4e4b9c658ffa2d3a890a28dcf9b6fa12214366e3fe5655a161ec86b650c"}],"mnemonics":"bring prize miracle rib again safe viable inhale pen member novel zoo outside quit shrug room perfect crisp canoe alien abandon old exchange kiwi","version":"1.0","date_created":"2021-05-07 21:56:41.788221 +1000 AEST m=+9.371315501"}
Activating group wallet by pouring test tokens
submitted transaction
Pour request success
Balance: 1
Activating signer wallet 1 by pouring test tokens
submitted transaction
Pour request success
Balance: 1
Activating signer wallet 2 by pouring test tokens
submitted transaction
Pour request success
Balance: 1
Activating signer wallet 3 by pouring test tokens
submitted transaction
Pour request success
Balance: 1
Checking balance on group wallet with clientID 558199083b7ea6f823dd7643b448751edec0b172336cc7081b426685f68fe58e before the vote
Balance: 1
Created Vote#1 from signer #0:
{"proposal_id":"testing MSVoting","transfer":{"from":"558199083b7ea6f823dd7643b448751edec0b172336cc7081b426685f68fe58e","to":"96b3dc0e88a552da07fdf75a653d4a2c7f629e001c904b3fb0492f2e69db0717","amount":1000000000},"signature":"6fdbda2a3a338183d9082dc786b83f8a9d146997bb8d4bb79d4a73c24b74e395"}
Multisig Vote registration requested. verifying status
Multisig Voting success
Created Vote#2 from signer #1:
{"proposal_id":"testing MSVoting","transfer":{"from":"558199083b7ea6f823dd7643b448751edec0b172336cc7081b426685f68fe58e","to":"96b3dc0e88a552da07fdf75a653d4a2c7f629e001c904b3fb0492f2e69db0717","amount":1000000000},"signature":"1318d95df3b32f47f7adf38e6d3bd142f400e6fb5cdf7968e1ac2e02b967a208"}
Multisig Vote registration requested. verifying status
Multisig Voting success
Checking balance on group wallet 558199083b7ea6f823dd7643b448751edec0b172336cc7081b426685f68fe58e after the vote
Balance: 0.9
Checking balance on recipient wallet after the vote
Balance: 0.1
Creating and testing a multisig wallet is successful!
The list of miners to display are retrieved using the Miner smart contract.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--json |
No | Print output as JSON |
./zwallet ls-miners
Sample output
- ID: cdb9b5a29cb5f48b350481694c4645c2db24500e3af210e22e2d10477a68bad2
- Host:
- Port: 31203
- ID: 3d9a10dac6fb3903d4a5283a42ae07b29d8e5d228afcce9bfc14e3e9dbc82748
- Host:
- Port: 31201
- ID: aaa721d5fbf4ca83e20c8c40874ebcb144b86f57173633ff1702968677c2fa98
- Host:
- Port: 31202
The list of sharders to display are retrieved using the Miner smart contract.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--json |
No | Print output as JSON |
./zwallet ls-sharders
Sample output
- ID: 675502b613ba1c5985636e3e92b9a857855a52155e3316bb40fe9607e14167fb
- Host:
- Port: 31101
- ID: 12e317e5d7a4a0a914ec26074e28f00502c735ddf7ac7d156b34e83e39792a9d
- Host:
- Port: 31102
./zwallet getblobbers
Sample output
+------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------+------------------------+---------------------+--------+ | 011a5444c9fe53137da7c3d871f3bf4bbf3c01607b14aa95ff2de43b5537d4b6 | 271.5 GiB / 1000.0 GiB | 0.010000 / 0.010000 | 0.1 | 2efc85d6a2f36380e1e77b843cd9f4fe55668271cae4925ab38a92504176e5df | 107.8 GiB / 1000.0 GiB | 0.010000 / 0.010000 | 0.1 | 34934babf0781c21736023ff89bc554928d77c028a968ef7344a460611d5a8d2 | 104.3 GiB / 1000.0 GiB | 0.010000 / 0.010000 | 0.1
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--url |
Yes | URL to the node (miner, sharder, blobber) |
The following command get the details of the sharder on a given URL
./zwallet getid --url
ID: 675502b613ba1c5985636e3e92b9a857855a52155e3316bb40fe9607e14167fb
Faucet smart contract can be used to get tokens for testing purposes.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--methodName |
Yes | Smart Contract method to call (pour - get tokens, refill - return tokens) |
pour , refill |
--input |
Yes | Request description | any string | |
--tokens |
No | Amount of tokens (maximum of 1.0) | 1.0 | (0 - 1.0] |
The following command will give 1 token to the default wallet.
./zwallet faucet --methodName pour --input "need token"
The following command will return 0.5 token to faucet.
./zwallet faucet --methodName refill --input "not using" --tokens 0.5
Sample output from faucet
prints the transaction
Execute faucet smart contract success with txn : d25acd4a339f38a9ce4d1fa91b287302fab713ef4385522e16d18fd147b2ebaf
Note: Balance would not show any locked tokens.
./zwallet getbalance
Sample output
Balance: 3 (4.2299999999999995 USD)
To check the balance of another wallet, use --wallet
global parameter.
./zwallet getbalance --wallet another_wallet.json
Note: When there is no token on the wallet yet, output will show Get balance failed.
Transfering tokens from wallet to another is done through send
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--to_client_id |
Yes | Client ID of the recipient | ||
--tokens |
Yes | Amount of tokens to send | valid number | |
--desc |
Yes | Transfer description | any string | |
--fee |
No | Amount of tokens to use as fee | 0.0 | valid number |
The following sends 0.2 token from the default wallet to the specified client ID.
./zwallet send --to_client_id e7ebb698213b6bda097c0a14ccbe574356e99e9b666e4baeae540da1d9b51e7e --tokens .2 --desc "gift"
Send tokens success
Note: To use a different wallet as sender, use --wallet
global parameter.
./zwallet send --to_client_id e7ebb698213b6bda097c0a14ccbe574356e99e9b666e4baeae540da1d9b51e7e --tokens .2 --desc "gift" --wallet another_wallet.json
checks whether a given transaction hash was confirmed on the blockchain.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--hash |
Yes | Hash of transaction to verify | valid transaction hash |
Note: Not all zwallet
commands (eg. send
) prints the transaction hash created. To see more details printed including the hashes, use --verbose
global parameter.
Sample verify
./zwallet verify --hash 867c240b640e3d128643330af383cb3a0a229ebce08cae667edd7766c7ccc850
Transaction verification success
Note: To see more details about the transaction on verify
, use --verbose
global parameter.
./zwallet verify --hash 867c240b640e3d128643330af383cb3a0a229ebce08cae667edd7766c7ccc850 --verbose
Tokens can be locked for a period of time to gain additional tokens as interest. This locking of tokens uses the Interest Pool smart contract.
shows the global configuration for locking tokens for interest such as minimum token and minimum lock period (duration).
./zwallet lockconfig
Sample output
Formatted output
Locking for interest takes out the tokens from the balance. It will be available again after unlocking the tokens explicitly but only possible the lock duration has passed.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--durationHr |
Yes if --durationMin is not provided |
Duration in hours | valid number | |
--durationMin |
Yes if --durationHr is not provided |
Duration in minutes | valid number | |
--tokens |
Yes | Amount of tokens to lock | valid number | |
--fee |
No | Amount of tokens to use as fee | 0.0 | valid number |
The following command locked 1 token for 5 minutes
./zwallet lock --durationMin 5 --tokens 1
Tokens (1.000000) locked successfully
Check balance to see the locked tokens are gone, but has started to gain some tokens as interest.
./zwallet getbalance
show the locked tokens, how much interest it gained and how much time left it is locked.
./zwallet getlockedtokens
Sample output
Locked tokens:
Formatted output
Note: pool_id
is required when unlocking the tokens.
Unless you unlock, the tokens are not released.
Unlocking tokens are only possible once the lock duration has passed.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--pool_id |
Yes | Pool ID of locked tokens (get at getlockedtokens ) |
Sample command |
./zwallet unlock --pool_id 399ff67983846b2c35ec569bf6f74b97fac0b066c30da21038a7285d34ba9f6f
Unlock tokens success
Miner smart contract allows staking on the miner and sharder nodes.
The maximum number of stake pools per node is limited to the number of delegates allowed.
To find out the number of delegates and also what is the minimum and maximum tokens that can be staked, query the config.
The following config displays the config and current state.
./zwallet mn-config
Sample output
view_change: 0
max_n: 8
min_n: 2
max_s: 3
min_s: 1
t_percent: 0.51
k_percent: 0.75
last_round: 5527098
max_stake: 100
min_stake: 0
interest_rate: 5.55e-07
reward_rate: 1
share_ratio: 0.8
block_reward: 0.21
max_charge: 0.5
epoch: 15000000
reward_decline_rate: 0.1
interest_decline_rate: 0.1
max_mint: 4000000
minted: 928552.464
max_delegates: 200
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--id |
Yes | Node ID of a miner or sharder (get at ls-miners or ls-sharders ) |
Sample command
./zwallet mn-info --id 68ed8f16e1d50e3217425b3e98fb7a39e5d7201fe4b1dccfe8477b5c54761b24
Sample output
Reformatted output
Staking tokens on a node gains additional tokens over time. Tokens locked for staking can be unlocked anytime although have to wait for the next view change cycle.
Note however that if a node becomes offline, all stake pools are automatically unlocked and tokens are returned to wallets.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--id |
Yes | Node ID of a miner or sharder to stake for (get at ls-miners or ls-sharders ) |
--tokens |
Yes | Amounts of token to stake | valid number |
Sample command
./zwallet mn-lock --id dc8c6c93fb42e7f6d1c0f93baf66cc77e52725f79c3428a37da28e294aa2319a --tokens 1
The output would print the stake pool id.
locked with: b488738546d84aed9d3dcb2bbe24c161bc4338638669e64e814631efd430fd85
Note: If the locking of stakes is failing, verify the following.
- Wallet has enough tokens
- Node ID is valid
- Node has available delegate
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--client_id |
No | Client ID of the wallet | Wallet at ~/.zcn/wallet.json |
--json |
No | Print output as JSON |
Sample command
./zwallet mn-user-info
Sample output
- node: dc8c6c93fb42e7f6d1c0f93baf66cc77e52725f79c3428a37da28e294aa2319a (sharder)
- pool_id: b488738546d84aed9d3dcb2bbe24c161bc4338638669e64e814631efd430fd85
balance: 1
interests paid: 0
rewards paid: 0
status: pending
stake %: 100 %
Sample reformmated JSON output
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--id |
Yes | Node ID of a miner or sharder (get at ls-miners or ls-sharders ) |
--pool_id |
Yes | Pool ID of a stake (get at mn-info or mn-user-info ) |
Sample command
./zwallet mn-pool-info --id dc8c6c93fb42e7f6d1c0f93baf66cc77e52725f79c3428a37da28e294aa2319a --pool_id b488738546d84aed9d3dcb2bbe24c161bc4338638669e64e814631efd430fd85
Sample output
Reformatted output
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--id |
Yes | Node ID of a miner or sharder to unlock stakes from (get at mn-user-info ) |
--pool_id |
Yes | Pool ID of a stake (get at mn-user-info ) |
./zwallet mn-unlock --id dc8c6c93fb42e7f6d1c0f93baf66cc77e52725f79c3428a37da28e294aa2319a --pool_id b488738546d84aed9d3dcb2bbe24c161bc4338638669e64e814631efd430fd85
tokens will be unlocked next VC
Tokens are released on the next view change cycle or at the next reward round.
Staking config can only be updated by the node's delegate wallet.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--id |
Yes | Node ID of a miner or sharder | ||
--max_stake |
No | Minimum amount of tokens allowed when staking | valid number | |
--min_stake |
No | Maximum amount of tokens allowed when staking | valid number | |
--num_delegates |
No | Maximum number of staking pools | valid number |
Sample command
./zwallet mn-update-settings --id dc8c6c93fb42e7f6d1c0f93baf66cc77e52725f79c3428a37da28e294aa2319a --max_stake 1000000000000 --min_stake 10000000 --num_delegates 25
Vesting pool allows the transfer of locked tokens to desired destination after a duration set.
Display the Vesting Pool smart contract config.
./zwallet vp-config
Sample output
min_lock: 0.01
min_duration: 2m0s
max_duration: 2h0m0s
max_destinations: 3
max_description_length: 20
Create a new vesting pool.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--d |
Yes | Pair of destination wallet and amount of tokens (repeat parameter for more pairs) | value pattern: <wallet_client_id>:<amount> |
--duration |
Yes | Vesting pool duration | eg. "5m" for 5 minutes, "1h" for 1 hour (should be within min and max allowed duration) | |
--lock |
Yes | Amount of tokens to lock on the pool | Should fit the destination amounts and must meet minimum lock amount | |
--description |
No | Vesting pool description | ||
--fee |
No | Amount of tokens to use as fee | 0.0 | valid number |
--start_time |
No | When to start the vesting pool | now | Unix time in seconds |
Sample command
./zwallet vp-add --duration 5m --lock 5 --d af6c894e2f5dd76b6df1329e924b4177e58692d165090f52b0cc11c639b3bb92:1 --d 8c4e3623964442e7ff9b9f52e5e7a5d8248a85856cf369f71149b7b922653396:2
Sample output
Vesting pool added successfully: 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
Note: The destination wallets should be registered already on the blockchain.
Display the pool list of the wallet.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--client_id |
No | Client ID of the wallet | Wallet at ~/.zcn/wallet.json |
Sample command
./zwallet vp-list
Sample output
- 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
Display vesting pool information.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--pool_id |
Yes | ID of vesting pool |
Sample command
./zwallet vp-info --pool_id 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
Sample output
pool_id: 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
balance: 5
can unlock: 2 (excess)
sent: 0 (real value)
pending: 3 (not sent, real value)
vested: 3 (virtual, time based value)
start_time: 2021-05-08 00:06:00 +1000 AEST
expire_at: 2021-05-08 00:11:00 +1000 AEST
- id: af6c894e2f5dd76b6df1329e924b4177e58692d165090f52b0cc11c639b3bb92
vesting: 1
can unlock: 1 (virtual, time based value)
sent: 0 (real value)
pending: 1 (not sent, real value)
vested: 1 (virtual, time based value)
last unlock: 2021-05-08 00:06:00 +1000 AEST
- id: 8c4e3623964442e7ff9b9f52e5e7a5d8248a85856cf369f71149b7b922653396
vesting: 2
can unlock: 2 (virtual, time based value)
sent: 0 (real value)
pending: 2 (not sent, real value)
vested: 2 (virtual, time based value)
last unlock: 2021-05-08 00:06:00 +1000 AEST
client_id: e6bca3f65f3ac102cd972ee2a85c4ee8318fd63cce91f14a76e81d024451213e
Pool owner can trigger a vesting pool to transfer to the destinations right away.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--pool_id |
Yes | ID of vesting pool |
Sample command
./zwallet vp-trigger --pool_id 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
Sample output
Vesting triggered successfully.
Vesting pool info should not show tokens in sent
./zwallet vp-info --pool_id 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
pool_id: 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:0cf77bb1e4b9d71968b84be60ca49b25d20da9f446985e2450c1145ea0f5964d
balance: 2
can unlock: 2 (excess)
sent: 3 (real value)
pending: 0 (not sent, real value)
vested: 3 (virtual, time based value)
start_time: 2021-05-08 00:06:00 +1000 AEST
expire_at: 2021-05-08 00:11:00 +1000 AEST
- id: af6c894e2f5dd76b6df1329e924b4177e58692d165090f52b0cc11c639b3bb92
vesting: 1
can unlock: 0 (virtual, time based value)
sent: 1 (real value)
pending: 0 (not sent, real value)
vested: 1 (virtual, time based value)
last unlock: 2021-05-08 00:11:00 +1000 AEST
- id: 8c4e3623964442e7ff9b9f52e5e7a5d8248a85856cf369f71149b7b922653396
vesting: 2
can unlock: 0 (virtual, time based value)
sent: 2 (real value)
pending: 0 (not sent, real value)
vested: 2 (virtual, time based value)
last unlock: 2021-05-08 00:11:00 +1000 AEST
client_id: e6bca3f65f3ac102cd972ee2a85c4ee8318fd63cce91f14a76e81d024451213e
Unlocking tokens from a vesting pool can be done by both owner and destination wallet
- owner can unlock tokens not yet vested
- destination can unlock tokens already vested
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--pool_id |
Yes | ID of vesting pool |
Sample command by a destination wallet
./zwallet vp-unlock --pool_id 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:1d9d6b07a792f967b24cfaf6c60dc372193c59946af07e41282426c6b12ea1b2
Sample output
Tokens unlocked successfully.
Owner can stop vesting for a destination and unlock the rest of tokens not yet vested.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--d |
Yes | Destination wallet | wallet client ID | |
--pool_id |
Yes | ID of vesting pool |
Sample command
./zwallet vp-stop --d af6c894e2f5dd76b6df1329e924b4177e58692d165090f52b0cc11c639b3bb92 --pool_id 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:1d9d6b07a792f967b24cfaf6c60dc372193c59946af07e41282426c6b12ea1b2
Sample output
Stop vesting for af6c894e2f5dd76b6df1329e924b4177e58692d165090f52b0cc11c639b3bb92.
Deleting a vesting pool stops vesting and unlock the tokens not yet vested.
Parameter | Required | Description | Default | Valid Values |
--pool_id |
Yes | ID of vesting pool |
Sample command
./zwallet vp-delete --pool_id 2bba5b05949ea59c80aed3ac3474d7379d3be737e8eb5a968c52295e48333ead:vestingpool:68a0dbf319578db69d3acd65bc42f2f29325c85bf5666a2fc4f25ef794b9e6e4
Sample output
Vesting pool deleted successfully.
is a required zwallet
Field | Description | Value type |
block_worker |
The URL to chain network DNS that provides the lists of miners and sharders | string |
signature_scheme |
The signature scheme used in the network. This would be bls0chain for most networks |
string |
min_submit |
The desired minimum success ratio (in percent) to meet when submitting transactions to miners | integer |
min_confirmation |
The desired minimum success ratio (in percent) to meet when verifying transactions on sharders | integer |
confirmation_chain_length |
The desired chain length to meet when verifying transactions | integer |
Network nodes are automatically discovered using the block_worker
provided on ~/.zcn/config.yaml
To override/limit the nodes used on zwallet
, create ~/.zcn/network.yaml
as shown below.
cat > ~/.zcn/network.yaml << EOF
Overriding the nodes can be useful in local chain setup. In some cases, the block worker might return URLs with IP/alias only accessible within the docker network.
- For more logging, add
when running commands. zwallet getbalance
says it failed
This happens when the wallet has no token.
zwallet getbalance
Get balance failed.