Pytest fixtures for testing Camunda 8 processes in Python using a Zeebe test engine.
This package provides a set of fixtures to set up Zeebe process tests for Python in no time:
- automatically spins up a stripped-down Zeebe engine per file/module (same as used by zeebe-process-test)
- resets engine state before every test
- injects a ZeebeTestClient to drive the process
- (optionally) injects a ZeebeTestEngine to await idle state or access raw zeebe records
- provides rich assertions for the process instance (goal: equal to zeebe-process-test BpmnAssertions)
pip install pytest-zeebe
The engine is reset before every test, so you can create a fixture to deploy your process automatically:
def deploy(zeebe_test_client: ZeebeTestClient):
With the process deployed, you can start it, complete tasks and make assertions as usual:
def test(zeebe_test_client: ZeebeTestClient):
# given
variables = {
"var": "A"
# when
# -> start
process_instance = zeebe_test_client.create_process_instance("TestProcess", variables=variables)
# -> complete Task A
# -> complete Task C
zeebe_test_client.complete_task("taskC", variables={"resultC": True})
# then
assert_that(process_instance) \
.is_completed() \
.has_passed_elements_in_order("StartEvent_1", "TaskA", "TaskC", "EndEvent_1") \
.has_variable_with_value("var", "A") \
.has_variable_with_value("resultC", True) \
This package ships with its own grpc zeebe client. Due to the inner workings of protobuf, this will lead to an unresolvable conflict if you also import code from another library that also registers protobuf descriptors for the zeebe gateway protocol (like pyzeebe). This is no issue if you test the process by itself or - for integration tests - start your app in a dedicated process.
This library is developed under