A Robust Application Environment
- Author - W Joseph Francis
- (c) hookedup, inc. 2023-2024
- License - LGPL
- mongino.com
- Windows, Mac or Linux (ubuntu recommended for headless server)
- Node 14 or higher, (18 recommended)
- MongoDB, v5+ recommended
- Install Node 14+
- Setup MongoDB (authentication recommended)
- Install and verify access with MongoDB Compass
- Clone this repo into the folder it will be run from
- npm install
- npm audit fixup
- npm start
- open http://localhost:33480/ or ctrl-click the link when started.
- Open git directory
- git pull
- npm install
- npm audit fixup
Note: If git complains about package.json changing (i.e. from audit fixup)
- restore package.json
- then "git pull" again