You are required to create a module in Odoo version 15 which handles customer installments and payments. Below are the module specification.
- Model
- Name: installment.installment
- Fields:
- Name: Char. Readonly
- Reference: Char
- Active: Boolean
- State: Selection = (draft, open , paid) default="draft"
- Date: Date. Default = today
- Customer: Many2one. Required
- Journal: Many2one. Required
- Account: Many2one. Required
- Analytic account: Many2one
- Analytic tags: Many2many
- Amount: Float. Required, positive
- Notes: Text
- remaining amount
- Menus
- Installments: Main menu
- Customer installments: Sub menu under the Installments menu
- Views
- Tree
- Form
- Add a tab in the form in which holds a list of all payments that were created.
- Add ribbon for Archived invoices
- Kanban
- Search
- filter open invoices by default and grouped by each customer
- Buttons
- Open:
- Creates a customer invoice and generates a sequence for the Name field.
- Payment:
- Prompt the user with a wizard by which the user can insert a payment of partial amount or full amount of the requested amount, make sure the State is set to "paid" upon reaching the full amount.
- payment is allowed only when state is open
- Settlement:
- Settles the installment with the remaining amount and then set the State to "paid"
- Open:
- Access Rights
- User: Has access to self created entries.
- use user demouser pw demo123
- Manager: Has access to all entries.
- User: Has access to self created entries.
- Smart button
- Invoice: Visible only to the Manager group
- The relationship fields are to be linked with their respective models.
- Delete and edit is only allowed in "draft" State.
Bonus: Create Pivot and Graph view for the model.
- Tests
- demo data
- Translation
- Script to extract/replace Translation in i18n folder
- keyboard shortcuts for all added buttons