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A bit-serial CPU written in VHDL, with a simulator written in C.


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Processing data one bit at a time, since 2019.


  • Soft-Core 16-bit Accumulator Based Bit-serial CPU for an FPGA.
  • The processor runs a programming language called Forth.
  • The core is tiny at just about 23 Slices / 76 LUTs.
  • The VHDL testbench is (optionally) interactive (but slow).
  • The VHDL testbench is configurable without recompilation (it reads from a configuration file).


This is a project for a bit-serial CPU, which is a CPU that has an architecture which processes a single bit at a time instead of in parallel like a normal CPU. This allows the CPU itself to be a lot smaller, the penalty is that it is a lot slower. The CPU itself is called bcpu. The test program includes a fully working Forth interpreter.

The CPU is incredibly basic, lacking features required to support higher level programming (such as function calls). Instead such features can be emulated if they are needed. If such features are needed, or faster throughput is needed (whilst still remaining quite small) other Soft-Core CPUs are available, such as the H2.

The CPU also lacks interrupts, traps, byte addressability for load/storing, a Memory Management Unit or Memory Protection Unit, and a whole host of other features that are in a modern core.

The core is small however, very small, here is the map report (edited to remove unneeded columns, this might not exactly match what is at the head of the project).

Max woosh/speed: 123.369MHz (can be improved with a few choice registers)

| Module                 | Slices* | Slice Reg | LUTs   | LUTRAM | BRAM/FIFO | BUFG |
| top/                   | 0/73    | 0/181     | 0/220  | 0/4    | 0/8       | 1/1  |
| +cpu                   | 23/23   | 55/55     | 76/76  | 4/4    | 0/0       | 0/0  |
| +peripheral            | 17/50   | 49/126    | 52/144 | 0/0    | 0/8       | 0/0  |
| ++bram                 | 0/0     | 0/0       | 0/0    | 0/0    | 8/8       | 0/0  |
| ++uart                 | 1/33    | 2/77      | 2/92   | 0/0    | 0/0       | 0/0  |
| +++uart_rx_gen.baud_rx | 9/9     | 21/21     | 25/25  | 0/0    | 0/0       | 0/0  |
| +++uart_rx_gen.rx_0    | 6/6     | 18/18     | 23/23  | 0/0    | 0/0       | 0/0  |
| +++uart_tx_gen.baud_tx | 10/10   | 21/21     | 25/25  | 0/0    | 0/0       | 0/0  |
| +++uart_tx_gen.tx_0    | 7/7     | 15/15     | 17/17  | 0/0    | 0/0       | 0/0  |
* Not of pizza

Note that the UART (92 LUTs) is bigger than the CPU core (76 LUTs)! This is certainly one of the smallest soft microprocessors, and perhaps the smallest 16-bit soft processor for FPGAs. The UART is actually quite big as it is far more general than it needs to be, perhaps later developments will use a smaller one, like in my SUBLEQ VHDL project.

To build and run the C based simulator for the project, you will need a C compiler and 'make'. To build and run the VHDL simulator, you will need GHDL installed.

The cross compiler requires gforth, although a pre-compiled image is provided in case you do not have access to it, called 'bit.hex', this hex file contains a working Forth image. To run this:

make bit
./bit bit.hex

An example session of the simulator running is:

C Simulator Running eForth

You should be greeted by a Forth prompt, type 'words' and hit carriage return to get a list of defined functions.

The target FPGA that the system is built for is a Spartan-6, for a Nexys 3 development board. Xilinx ISE 14.7 was used to build the project.

The following 'make' targets are available:


By default the VHDL test bench is built and simulated in GHDL. This requires gforth to assemble the test program bit.fth into a file readable by the simulator (or you can use the already assembled bit.hex file). As mentioned, the VHDL testbench is optionally interactive, that is you can read input STDIN and output from the CPU (via a simulated UART) will be output to STDOUT. The options for this can be set in tb.cfg. On my machine is takes a few minutes to print out "eForth 3.3" (you will need to run the system for about 80 milliseconds just to be able to process a "bye" input from the user).

make run

This target builds the C based simulator, assembles the test program and runs the simulator on the assembled program.

make synthesis implementation bitfile

This builds the project for the FPGA.

make upload

This uploads the project to the Nexys 3 board. This requires that 'djtgcfg' (bless you) is installed, which is a tool provided by Digilent.

make documentation

This turns this '' file into a HTML file.

make clean

Cleans up the project.


The tool-chain for the device is used to build an image for a Forth interpreter, more specifically a Forth interpreter similar to a dialect of Forth known as 'eForth', it differs between eForth in order to save on space which is at a premium. You should be greeted with an eForth prompt when running the 'make run' target that looks something like this:

$ make run
./bit bit.hex
eForth 3.1

You can see all of the defined words (or functions) by typing in 'words' and hitting return.

$ make run
./bit bit.hex
eForth 3.3

Arithmetic in Forth is done using Reverse Polish Notation:

2 2 + . cr

Will print out '4'. This is not the place for a Forth tutorial, the Forth interpreter is mainly here to demonstrate that the bit-serial CPU is working correctly and can be used for useful purposes. No demonstration would be complete without a 'Hello, World' program, however:

: hello cr ." Hello, World!" ;

Go use your favorite search engine to find a Forth tutorial.

A more advance eForth image exists for the SUBLEQ Single Instruction Set Computer, another contender for a small CPU that could be implemented on an FPGA (or in 7400 series ICs). It would need porting to this system, which should not be too difficult, and includes multitasking, a text editor, better numeric I/O, more control structures, and is a much more well rounded Forth.

Use Case

Often in an FPGA design there is spare Dual Port Block RAM (BRAM) available, either because only part of the BRAM module is being used or because it is not needed entirely. Adding a new CPU however is a bigger decision than using spare BRAM capacity, it can take up quite a lot of floor space, and perhaps other precious resources. If this is the case then adding this CPU costs practically nothing in terms of floor space (or routing resources for connecting the device to other sections of the FPGA as the CPU interface is really tiny), the main cost will be in development time.

In short, the project may be useful if:

  • FPGA Floor space is at a premium in your design.
  • You have spare memory for the program and storage.
  • You need a programmable CPU that supports a reasonable instruction set.
  • Execution speed is not a concern.

There were two use cases that the author had in mind when setting out to build this system:

  • As a CPU driving a software defined low-baud UART.
  • As a controller for a VT100 terminal emulator that would control cursor position and parse escape codes, setting colors and attributes in a hardware based text-terminal (this was to replace an existing VHDL only system that had spare capacity in the FPGAs dual-port block RAMs used to store the Font and text in


The tool-chain consists of a cross compiler written in Forth, it itself implements a virtual machine on top of which a Forth interpreter is written. The accumulator machine lacks call/returns, and a stack, so these have to be implemented. The meta-compiler (a Forth specific term for what is a more widely known as a cross-compiler) is available in bit.fth.

As the instruction set is anemic and CPU features lacking it is best to target the virtual machine and program in Forth than it is to program in assembly.

Despite the inherently slow speed of the design and the further slow down executing code on top of a virtual machine the interpreter is plenty fast enough for interactive use, slowing down noticeably when division has to be performed.

CPU Specification

The CPU is a 16-bit design, in principle a normal bit parallel implementation of the CPU could be made, but in practice if you want a bit-parallel CPU you would not make a CPU with the same instruction set and behavior if the bit-serial restriction is lifted.

The CPU has 16 operations, each instruction consists of a 4-bit operation field and a 12-bit operand. If the top bit of the 4-bit operand field is not set then an indirection is performed on the operand which is treated as an address to be loaded. Addresses are word (16-bit) oriented and not byte oriented.

The CPU is an accumulator machine, all instructions either modify or use the accumulator to store operation results in them. The CPU has three registers including the accumulator, the other two are the program counter which is automatically incremented after each instruction excluding the jump instructions (the SET instruction is also excluded when setting the program counter only) and a flags register.

The instructions are:

| ----------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------- |
| Instruction | C Operation                   | Description                    | Cycles         |
| ----------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------- |
| OR          | acc |= lop                    | Bitwise Or                     | 5*(N+1)        |
| AND         | acc &= lop                    | Bitwise And                    | 5*(N+1)        |
| XOR         | acc ^= lop                    | Bitwise Exclusive Or           | 5*(N+1)        |
| ADD         | acc += lop                    | Add with carry, sets carry     | 5*(N+1)        |
| LSHIFT      | acc = acc << bits(lop)        | Shift left or Rotate left      | 5*(N+1)        |
| RSHIFT      | acc = acc >> bits(lop)        | Shift right or Rotate right    | 5*(N+1)        |
| LOAD        | acc = memory(lop)             | Load                           | 6*(N+1)        |
| STORE       | memory(lop) = acc             | Store                          | 6*(N+1)        |
| LOADC       | acc = memory(op)              | Load from memory constant addr | 4*(N+1)        |
| STOREC      | memory(op) = acc              | Store to memory constant addr  | 4*(N+1)        |
| LITERAL     | acc = op                      | Load literal into accumulator  | 3*(N+1)        |
| UNUSED      | N/A                           | Unused instruction             | 3*(N+1)        |
| JUMP        | pc = op                       | Unconditional Jump             | 2*(N+1)        |
| JUMPZ       | if(!acc){pc = op }            | Jump If Zero                   | [2 or 3]*(N+1) |
| SET         | if(op&1){flg=acc}else{pc=acc} | Set Register                   | 3*(N+1)        |
| GET         | if(op&1){acc=flg}else{acc=pc} | Get Register                   | 3*(N+1)        |
| ----------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------------ | -------------- |
  • pc = program counter
  • acc = accumulator
  • indir = indirect flag
  • lop = Load from operand, load the address specified by the operand
  • op = instruction operand
  • flg = flags register
  • N = bit width, which is 16.
  • bits() = count of bits, population count

The number of cycles an instruction takes to complete depends on whether it performs an indirection, or in the case of GET/SET it depends if it is setting the program counter (2 cycles only) or the flags register (3 cycles), or performing an I/O operation (4 cycles), getting the flags or program counter always costs 3 cycles.

The flags in the 'flg' register are:

| ---- | --- | --------------------------------------- |
| Flag | Bit | Description                             |
| ---- | --- | --------------------------------------- |
| Cy   |  0  | Carry flag, set by addition instruction |
| Z    |  1  | Zero flag                               |
| Ng   |  2  | Negative flag                           |
| R    |  3  | Reset Flag - Resets the CPU             |
| HLT  |  4  | Halt Flag - Stops the CPU               |
| ---- | --- | --------------------------------------- |
  • The carry flag (Cy) is set by the ADD instruction, it can also be set and cleared with the GET/SET instructions.
  • 'Z' is set whenever the accumulator is zero.
  • 'Ng' is set whenever the accumulator has its highest bit set, indicating that the accumulator is negative.
  • 'R', Reset flag, this resets the CPU immediately, only the HLT flag takes precedence.
  • 'HLT', The halt flag takes priority over everything else, sending the CPU into a halt state.

There is really not much else to this CPU from the point of view of a user of this core, it is a simple CPU. Integrating this core into another system is more complicated however, you will need to be far more aware of timing of signals and their enable lines. Much like the processor, a single bit bus in conjunction with an enable is used to communicate with the outside world.

The internal state of the CPU is minimal, to make a working system the memory and I/O controller will need (shift) registers to store the address and input/output.

The CPU state-machine is:

CPU State Machine

And the CPU bus timing diagram:

CPU Bus timing


The system has a minimal set of peripherals; a bank of switches with LEDs next to each switch and a UART capable of transmission and reception, other peripherals could be added as needed. A timer would be useful, but not necessary, the same could be said for many other peripherals.

Register Map

The I/O register map for the device is very small as there are very few peripherals.

| ------- | -------------- |
| Address | Name           |
| ------- | -------------- |
| 0x4000  | LED/Switches   |
| 0x4001  | UART TX/RX     |
| 0x4002  | UART Clock TX* |
| 0x4003  | UART Clock RX* |
| 0x4004  | UART Control*  |
| ------- | -------------- |
These registers are turned off by default
and will need to be enabled during synthesis if needed.
  • LED/Switches

A bank of switches, non-debounced, with LED lights next to them.

| F | E | D | C | B | A | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
|                           |   Switches 1 = on, 0 = off        | READ
|                           |   LED 1 = on, 0 = off             | WRITE

The UART TX/RX register is used to read and write data bytes to the UART and check on the UART status. The UART has a FIFO that is used to capture the results of the UART. The usage of which is non-optional.

| F | E | D | C | B | A | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
|       |TFF|TFE|   |RFF|RFE|      RX DATA BYTE                 | READ
|   |TFW|       |RFR|       |      TX DATA BYTE                 | WRITE
  • UART Clock TX

The UART Transmission clock, independent from the Reception Clock, is controllable via this register.

Defaults are: 115200 Baud

| F | E | D | C | B | A | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
|                                                               | READ
|             UART TX CLOCK DIVISOR                             | WRITE
  • UART Clock RX

The UART Reception clock, independent from the Transmission Clock, is controllable via this register.

Defaults are: 115200 Baud

| F | E | D | C | B | A | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
|                                                               | READ
|            UART RX CLOCK DIVISOR                              | WRITE
  • UART Clock Control

This clock is used to control UART options such as the number of bits,

Defaults are: 8N1, no parity

| F | E | D | C | B | A | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
|                                                               | READ
|                               |   DATA BITS   |STPBITS|EPA|UPA| WRITE
STPBITS   = Number of stop bits
DATA BITS = Number of data bits

Other Soft Microprocessors

This is a very specialized core, that cannot be emphasized enough. It executes slowly, but is small. Other, larger cores (but still relatively small) may be useful for your needs. In terms of engineering trade offs this design takes things to the extreme in one direction only.

The core should have be written to be portable to different FPGAs, however the author only tests what they have available (Xilinx, Spartan-6).

  • The H2

Another small core, based on the J1. This core executes quite quickly (1 instruction per CPU cycle) and uses few resources, although much more than this core. The instruction set is quite dense and allows for higher level programming than just using straight assembler. See

This CPU core has deeper stacks, more instructions, and interrupts, which the original J1 core lacks. It is also written in VHDL instead of Verilog.

  • SUBLEQ system.

The One/Single Instruction Set Computer (OISC) based off of SUBLEQ is another candidate for making a small, niche, CPU. There are many OISC architectures, SUBLEQ is the most popular. See for a fully working SUBLEQ CPU running on an FPGA that implements Forth, it has not been optimized as much as this CPU but it is also quite small. The Forth it runs is a port of the one available here In principle it should be fairly easy to implement such a CPU in discrete 7400 series Integrated Circuits.

  • Tiny CPU in a CPLD

This is a 8-bit CPU designed to fit in the limited resources of a CPLD:

See and

It is written in Verilog, it is based on the 6502, implementing a subset of its instructions. It is probably easier to directly program than this bit-serial CPU, and roughly the same size (although a direct comparison is difficult). It can address less memory (1K) without bank-switching. There is also a different version made with 7400 series logic gates

  • Leros and Lipsi

See, also,

Future directions

There are infinite combinations of different features and CPU instructions that could be played with, one which might be more compact is describe below (the best way to see if it is is to try to implement it in hardware which has not been done yet).

Each instruction would be 16-bits, 4 bits for the instruction, 12 bits for an operand. This would be another accumulator machine, where all instructions would operate on the accumulator (apart from JMP and JMPZ).

Topmost bit indicates an indirection bit, where contents of the memory location specified by the operand are used instead of the operand are used.

8 Instructions (16 if indirect variants included)

  • ADD [optional CARRY <- ACC + OPERAND + CARRY]
  • AND [optional CARRY <- 0]
  • XOR [optional CARRY <- 0]
  • ROTATE (rotate left likely most efficient)
  • LOAD
  • JMP [optional ACC <- PC]
  • JMPZ [optional ACC <- PC]

Missing are:

  • A Timer
  • A way to reset the CPU (perhaps JMP to 0000)
  • A way to halt the CPU (perhaps JMP to 8XXX)

Hopefully the instruction set would be smaller than this one and allow for a more compact Forth (indirect adding would allow shorter stack increment routines so long as the carry option was disabled).

Features could be optionally enabled in the VHDL as needed.

References / Appendix

The state-machine diagram was made using Graphviz, and can be viewed and edited immediately by copying the following text into GraphvizOnline.

digraph bcpu {
	reset -> fetch [label="start"]
	fetch -> execute
	fetch -> indirect [label="op < 8"]
	fetch -> reset  [label="flag(RST) = '1'"]
	fetch -> halt  [label="flag(HLT) = '1'"]
	indirect -> operand
	operand -> execute
	execute -> advance
	execute -> store   [label="op = 'store'"]
	execute -> load   [label="op = 'load'"]
	execute -> fetch [label="(op = 'jumpz' and acc = 0)\n or op ='jump'"]
	store -> advance
	load -> advance
	advance -> fetch
	halt -> halt

For timing diagrams, use Wavedrom with the following text:

{signal: [
  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2..................', data: ['HALT']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x0..................'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0..................'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x0..................'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0..................'},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x...................'},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x1..................'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['ADVANCE']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x01...............0x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0================0x', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', 'F12', 'F13', 'F14', 'F15']},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.................xx'},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['OPERAND or LOAD']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x01...............0x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.================xx', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['STORE']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x01...............0x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0================0x', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.................xx'},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['INDIRECT or EXECUTE: LOAD, STORE, JUMP, JUMPZ']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x01...............0x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0================0x', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', 'F12', 'F13', 'F14', 'F15']},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.................xx'},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['EXECUTE: NORMAL INSTRUCTION']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.................xx'},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['FETCH']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x01...............0x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.================xx', data: ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15']},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},

  {name: 'clk',   wave: 'pp...p...p...p...p..'},
  {name: 'cycle', wave: '22222222222222222222', data: ['prev', 'init','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', 'next', 'rest']},
  {name: 'cmd',   wave: 'x2................xx', data: ['RESET']},
  {name: 'ie',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'oe',    wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'ae',    wave: 'x01...............0x'},
  {name: 'o',     wave: 'x0.................x'},
  {name: 'i',     wave: 'x.................xx'},
  {name: 'halt',  wave: 'x0.................x'},


That's all folks!

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