VCS Mini Game is an innovative extension that transforms the Visual Studio Code environment into a mini-game arena. This allows developers to easily contribute and integrate JavaScript-based games into VSC.
- In-VSC Game Integration: Provides mini-games that can be enjoyed in various views of VSC, including web views and terminals.
- Developer-Friendly: Offers a way for developers to easily contribute their JavaScript games.
- Game List and Selection: Provides a convenient game list in the VSC sidebar for users to browse and select games.
This project conforms to the following specifications:
- TypeScript (5.2.2): Ensures type safety and improves code quality.
- Visual Studio Code API (1.84.0): Integrates and extends features within VSC.
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. For more details, see License.
For more information on contributing, please see here.
This project was made possible with the help of all contributors.
Name | GitHub | |
junman95 | GitHub | [email protected] |
XPECTER | GitHub | [email protected] |
smshack | GitHub | [email protected] |
Ooyd | GitHub | [email protected] |