Write a Rogue game, under the same type of constraints as those found in PICO-8.
We chose to use Pyxel instead of PICO-8 because it's free. Although there are less constraints, it's still a lot of fun.
Ubuntu :
make run
Or :
pip install -r requirements.txt
python game.py
- turned based gameplay
- text/dialogs/information
- title screen / menu
- particle system
- sound effects
- handle death :)
- keep stats and scores
- randomly generated levels
- sequential actions required to finish a level (key, door, boss)
- more than one level (and stairs :) )
- traps / fire
- randomly moving enemies: Bat, Slug
- player following enemies: Skel, Ghost
- distance shooting enemies: Plant
- insensitive to Melee atacks: Ghost
- final boss: Necromancer (raising skels)
- healing items
- show map
- melee attack (3) (or 2 if cooldown on distance)
- distance attack (2) (possibly 1 turn of cooldown)
- teleport
- thunder storm (1)