This tool provides a comprehensive list with many filter options for use in Radarr. It allows you to import movies automatically into Radarr for further use. It is based on the entire database of If you so desire you can import the entire movie database of almost 400k movies into Radarr. And of course you may filter the responses according to your needs.
As a special feature it is the only list available, that completes movie collections. Set whatever filters you want and you will probably have some collections only partially in your database. This list will complete all collections with those parts that do not match your filters.
The list is available through the following base URL:
You can add the following parameters to filter the lists content:
- minyear (Minimum year of release)
- maxyear (Maximum year of release)
- maxage (Danymic alternative for minyear)
- minvote (Minimum vote average)
- maxvote (Maximum vote average)
- collections (Wether or not to complete collections, 1: comlete collections, 0: strictly adhere to filter opions)
- adult (Wether or not to return porn movies, 1: porn only, 0: no porn)
- lang (Original language of a movie)
- nogenres (Comma seperated list of TMDB genre IDs that are unwanted, see below)
If no parameters are given the default settings are as follows:
Here you will find a description for each file:
- LICENSE License agreement
- This file
- cron-daily.php Daily cronjob that imports dump files from TMDB
- cron-hourly.php Hourly cronjob to inguest changes and from TMDB
- functions.php Library file that contains functions for the main scripts
- initialize.php Program to be run once in order to do the initial mirroring (will take several weeks)
- movies.php webserver interface to create the radarr lists
- radarrlist.sql MySQL database layout
- settings.php Settings file to individualize the scripts
Additionally these files and directories are needed:
- /var/lib/radarrlist Holds the images (path can be changed), needs to me mounted as /movieimg/ in the webserver dir
- /etc/radarrlist/settings.php Holds the individualized version of settings.php
You do not need any of my code to use the list. The code is running on my system and you only need to downoad it if you want to run your own mirror (e.g. to modify it in some form).
To use this list in Radarr do the following simple steps:
- Go to the lists tab in Radarr settings
- Add a new List, choose StevenLu
- Give your list a name and choose options as you desire
- Remove the default URL and add this list's URL with your desired parameters
The following list of genre IDs can be used in the nogenres parameter:
- 12 Adventure
- 14 Fantasy
- 16 Animation
- 18 Drama
- 27 Horror
- 28 Action
- 35 Comedy
- 36 History
- 37 Western
- 53 Thriller
- 80 Crime
- 99 Documentary
- 878 Science Fiction
- 9648 Mystery
- 10402 Music
- 10749 Romance
- 10751 Family
- 10752 War
- 10770 TV Movie