This package can perform optimization of pose estimated from VO/VIO methods which tend to drift over time. It uses planar surfaces extracted from object detections in order to create a sparse semantic map of the environment, thus optimizing the drift of the VO/VIO algorithms.
- A VO/VIO algorithm: ROVIO, VINS_MONO, OKVIS etc.
- An Object Detector: Yolo, Shape Color Detector
Currently it can extract planar surfaces and create a semantic map from from the following objects:
- chair
- tvmonitor
- book
- keyboard
- laptop
- bucket
- car
author={Bavle, Hriday and De La Puente, Paloma and How, Jonathan P. and Campoy, Pascual},
journal={IEEE Access},
title={VPS-SLAM: Visual Planar Semantic SLAM for Aerial Robotic Systems},
First install g2o following these instructions (Tested on Kinetic and Melodic Distributions):
- sudo apt-get install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-libg2o
- sudo cp -r /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/lib/libg2o_* /usr/local/lib
- sudo cp -r /opt/ros/$ROS_DISTRO/include/g2o /usr/local/include
Install OctopMap server for map generation capabilities:
- sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-octomap*
Create a ros workspace and clone the following packages:
- Download the rosbag:
wget -P ~/Downloads/
- Create a workspace, clone the repo and compile:
mkdir -p workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/src/ && cd workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/src/
git clone && git clone
cd .. && catkin build --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
- Launch and visualize
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch semantic_SLAM ps_slam_with_snap_pose_bucket_det_lab_data_with_octomap.launch bagfile:=${HOME}/Downloads/entire_lab_3_rounds.bag show_rviz:=true
If the code is giving problems with you local machine, you can try the docker image created with the repo and the required settings.
Download Docker from: Docker
Follow the commands to run the algorithm with the docker
docker pull hridaybavle/semantic_slam:v1
docker run --rm -it --net="host" -p 11311:11311 hridaybavle/semantic_slam:v1 bash
cd ~/workspace/ros/semantic_slam_ws/
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch semantic_SLAM ps_slam_with_snap_pose_bucket_det_lab_data_with_octomap.launch bagfile:=${HOME}/Downloads/entire_lab_3_rounds.bag show_rviz:=false
Open a new terminal and rviz in local machine
cd ~/Downloads/ && wget
rviz -d graph_semantic_slam.rviz
/SQ04/snap_vislam/vislam/pose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
The default snapdragon VIO pose published in NED in frame. This message can be remapped remapped to any other VO pose message publishing in NED frame. (See frame conventions) -
/rovio/odometry (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
The VIO odometry published in ENU frame. Can be remapped to the desired topic name in the launcher. -
/depth_registered/points (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2) The point cloud required for planar surface extraction.
The detection bounding boxes published by yolo if using the yolo detector ros package. -
/image_processed/bounding_boxes(ShapeColor_ObjectDetection/DetectedObjects) The detection bounding boxes if using the bucket detector. It can be downloaded from the link above.
robot_pose(geometry_msgs/PoseStamped) The pose of the robot estimated by the algo.
The path of the robot psoe for visualization. -
The poses of the keyframe being added to the g2o graph. -
The mapped semantic planar surfaces. -
The detected landmarks in the current frame.
The configurations of the algorithms can be found inside the cfg folder in order to be changed accordingly.
map to odom transform: The transform published between the map frame and the odom frame after the corrections from the semantic SLAM.
base_link to odom transform: The transform published between the base_link (on the robot) frame and the odom frame as estimated by the VO/VIO algorithm.