This is a university homework assignment for software engineering class. This course require us to make a website for both travel agencies and applicants. Travel Agencies can do CRUD resources, visa applicant can only read visa and its status, create new message travel agency. Access control is built inside, multiple companies can use it at the same time.
- ruby: 2.2.3p173
- Rails:
- Development and test database: sqlite 3
- Production database: pg 0.17.1
For Chinese applicants, different countries may have different application process. For example, applying for traveling visa of united states requires interview, while for traveling visa of Japan doesn't. We need to make a data structure to make sure a certain type of a certain country have corresponding process.
I designed hash containing country abbreviation => [type, applying process]
. Here is an example of successful visa application process:
{ 'JPN' => [
['Travel(single)', Status::PROGRESS_NO_INTERVIEW_SUCCESS],
['Travel(group)', Status::PROGRESS_NO_INTERVIEW_SUCCESS],
['Travel(5 years)', Status::PROGRESS_NO_INTERVIEW_SUCCESS],
['Visiting Friends', Status::PROGRESS_NO_INTERVIEW_SUCCESS],
'USA' => [
Some actions are only able to perform by admin user or manager(like create a new staff). Access rules are written in lib/access_domain.rb
Rules are in the form of [domain, controller, action]
, these actions are only accessible to specific users.
['admin', 'staffs', 'index'],
['admin', 'staffs', 'create'],
['admin', 'staffs', 'delete'],
['admin', 'visas', 'delete'],
Error will be raised and recorded into log when an illegal action happens. I use a customized error PageNotFoundError
Illegal actions such as:
- If someone logged in, then try to access resources of other companies
- If someone logged in, but not a admin user, then try to access resources only admin can access
For most pages with forms, I used slim-template to reduce HTML work.
Click Travel Agency login
button in Index page
Use user name: 201392248
, password: 123456
to login. This is an admin user who can use all functionalities
Then comes to visa management page, here you can see all unarchived visa applications,click create new applicant information
among the management panel.
Fill in user information, passport number should be unique(Here I only considered Chinese nationality)
Then return to management panel, click create new visa application
Here you need to use passport number that already exits, if not, create a new applicant first. After inputting visa number, applicant information will be show up to check if applicant information is correct.
Then return to management panel. If a visa application is in a final step, success
and rejected
button are shown because there are two outcomes for a visa application. If a visa is not pending status, staff/manager can edit that record, but only admin can delete. From the detail panel, histories statuses are shown.
Click view all applicants info
, staff/manager can create or update applicant information, only admin user can delete it.
Return to management panel, Click manage staffs
panel, only admin can delete staff. Click create new staff
button to create a new staff, this is also admin only.
Return to management panel, click view all messages
, this is for handling customer support, if you have already solved customer's problem, click done with it
button and it won't appear any more.
If you want to edit your account, click button in the right side of header, then click edit profile
. Considering corporate management of staff series number, it's not updatable.
Logout first, then goes to the homepage, click visa status query
button. Input name and passport number you just created, all your unarchived visa applications will appear, click detail
button to see history statuses.
Click send us a message
in detail panel, check if your information listed was correct, send the message, then the agency will see it and handle it soon.
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