#Caesium Quickstart
The purpose of this project is to be a starting point for the Caesium python framework.
- Ensure that mongodb is running in your environment.
- bash install.sh
- source venv/bin/activate
- python app.py
- For auto reload while developing, add --debug
See app.py for implementation.
##Example Scheduled Requests Flow
In the following flow, we will create a new resource, update it with a scheduled patch, Get it again to see those changes, then delete.
POST /comment
- Content-Type: application/json
- Caesium-TOA: 1401678643
"title": "Comment Title",
"text": "Check out this new awesome comment",
"username": "chunter",
"id": "53ea6636717cc88c7b499a54"
PUT /comment/53ea6636717cc88c7b499a54
- Content-Type: application/json
- Caesium-TOA: 1401678643
"title": "My Comment Title Update",
"text": "Check out this new awesome comment",
"username": "chunter",
"new_attribute": 12345
GET /comment/53ea6636717cc88c7b499a54
"id": "53ea6636717cc88c7b499a54",
"title": "My Comment Title Update",
"text": "Check out this new awesome comment",
"username": "chunter",
"new_attribute": 12345
DELETE /comment/53ea6636717cc88c7b499a54
- Caesium-TOA: 1401678643
###Non-Scheduled Requests
If you want to use Caesium synchronously, it is entirely ok to just remove the "ttl" header and the request will be actioned immediately without creating a revision. Very similar to how a standard API works on a RESTful resource.
Also see: