I am an experienced software and hardware designer in the Moscow area, and have worked in the game industry for the last 20 years.
At the beginning of my career, I worked as a design engineer in the design and production of personal computers. Then I worked in the field of hardware and software design for sound synthesis. After one of my projects for the N64 game console, my career began to develop in the field of creating games and accessories for game consoles. Then I had a brief but successful experience in creating LMS for driving safety training. And later I designed software and hardware for redemption game machines.
As a result of this career path I am free to design both hardware and software products.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Open GOAL Type System and LISP compiler with it.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Common LISP and LISP compiler infrastructure
- 📫 How to reach me: linkedin valeriyap portfolio
Among programming languages, I especially like C, C++, and Common LISP. I try to use LISP wherever possible, even if it is a microcontroller 😄 I have my own workshop with turning, milling and other equipment, and in my spare time I do creative work.