--- In Turkish ---
- ArduinoJson kütüphanesi versiyon 7'ya güncellendi.
- Wemos D1 Mini yerine NodeMCU kullanılmaktadır.
- Web sayfası ve dot matrix yazıları Türkçeleştirilmiştir.
- Yerel namaz vakitleri eklenmiştir.
- Dünya saatleri özelliği (OpenWeatherMap ve TimeZoneDB kullanılarak) eklenmiştir.
- CityID yerine şehir ismi ile hava durumu bilgisi elde edilmektedir.
- Hava kirliliği özelliği eklenmiştir.
- Hissedilen sıcaklık eklenmiştir.
- Güneş doğuşu ve batışı eklenmiştir. (andrewcliffoutlook'a teşekkürler.)
- Bulutlanma eklenmiştir.
- cleanText'e Türkçe harfler eklenmiştir.
- Şehir adı, ülke adı, zaman dilimi vb özellikler TimeZoneDB kullanılarak eklenmiştir.
- Zaman dilimleri arasındaki farkı tespit etme özelliği eklenmiştir.
- Haberler özelliği silinmiştir.
- Kayan yazıyı kapatma özelliği eklenmiştir.
- Kayan yazıda gösterilecek bilgileri Ekran Ayarları sayfasında taşınmıştır.
- PlatformIO ile derleme desteği eklenmiştir.
- SPIFFS yerine LittleFS kullanılmaktadır.
- Ayın doğuşu ve batışı eklenmiştir. (ThingPulse'a teşekkürler.)
- BMP180 sensörü ile oda sıcaklığı ölçme özelliği eklenmiştir.
--- In English ---
- ArduinoJson library updated to version 7.
- NodeMCU is used instead of Wemos D1 Mini.
- Web interface and display texts have been translated into Turkish.
- Local prayers times have been added.
- World clocks feature (using OpenWeatherMap and TimeZoneDB) has been added.
- Weather information is obtained with the city name instead of CityID.
- Air pollution feature has been added.
- Apparent temperature has been added.
- Sunrise and sunset have been added. (Thanks to andrewcliffoutlook)
- Cloudiness has been added.
- Turkish letters have been added to cleanText.
- City name, country name, time zone etc. features have been added using TimeZoneDB.
- The ability to detect the difference between time zones has been added.
- News feature has been deleted.
- The feature to turn off the marquee has been added.
- The information to be displayed in the marquee has been moved to the Display Settings page.
- PlatformIO build feature has been added.
- LittleFS is used instead of SPIFFS.
- Moonrise and moonset have been added. (Thanks to ThingPulse)
- Room temperature measurement feature has been added with BMP180 sensor.
- Accurate Clock refresh off Internet Time Servers
- Local Weather and conditions (refreshed every 10 - 30 minutes)
- Configured through Web Interface
- Display 3D print progress from your OctoPrint Server
- Option to display Pi-hole status and graph (each pixel accross is 10 minutes)
- Basic Authorization around Configuration web interface
- Support for OTA (loading firmware over WiFi)
- Update firmware through web interface
- Configurable scroll speed
- Configurable scrolling frequency
- Configurable number of LED panels
- Options of different types of Clock Displays (display seconds or temperature) -- only on 8 or more display panels
- Video: https://youtu.be/DsThufRpoiQ
- Build Video by Chris Riley: https://youtu.be/KqBiqJT9_lE
- Wemos D1 Mini: https://amzn.to/3tMl81U
- Dot Matrix Module: https://amzn.to/2HtnQlD
Note: Using the links provided here help to support these types of projects. Thank you for the support.
CLK -> D5 (SCK)
CS -> D8
DIN -> D7 (MOSI)
VCC -> 5V+
CLK -> D5 (SCK)
CS -> D6
DIN -> D7 (MOSI)
VCC -> 5V+
Original Single Panel version: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2867294
Double Wide LED version: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2989552
It is recommended to use Arduino IDE. You will need to configure Arduino IDE to work with the Wemos board and USB port and installed the required USB drivers etc.
- USB CH340G drivers: https://sparks.gogo.co.nz/ch340.html
- Enter http://arduino.esp8266.com/stable/package_esp8266com_index.json into Additional Board Manager URLs field. You can add multiple URLs, separating them with commas. This will add support for the Wemos D1 Mini to Arduino IDE.
- Open Boards Manager from Tools > Board menu and install esp8266 Core platform version Latest 3.0.2
- Select Board: "ESP8266 Boards (3.0.2)" --> "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini"
- Set Flash Size: 4MB (FS:1MB OTA:~1019KB) -- this project requires FS for saving and reading configuration settings.
- Select the Port from the tools menu.
Use the Arduino guide for details on how to installing and manage libraries https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
Packages -- the following packages and libraries are used (download and install):
<WiFiManager.h> --> https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager (latest)
<TimeLib.h> --> https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/Time
<Adafruit_GFX.h> --> https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-GFX-Library
<Max72xxPanel.h> --> https://github.com/markruys/arduino-Max72xxPanel
<ArduinoJson.h> --> https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson
<Adafruit_BMP085.h> --> https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit-BMP085-Library
Editing the Settings.h file is totally optional and not required. All API Keys are now managed in the Web Interface. It is not required to edit the Settings.h file before loading and running the code.
- Open Weather Map free API key: http://openweathermap.org/ -- this is used to get weather data and the latitude and longitude for the current time zone. Weather API key is required for correct time.
- TimeZoneDB free registration for API key: https://timezonedb.com/register -- this is used for setting the time and getting the correct time zone as well as managing time changes due to Day Light Savings time by regions. This key is set and managed only through the web interface and added in version 2.10 of Marquee Scroller. TimeZoneDB key is required for correct time display.
- Your OctoPrint API Key -- optional if you use the OctoPrint status.
- Version 2.0 supports Chained 4x1 LED displays -- configure up to 16x1 in the Settings.h file.
NOTE: The settings in the Settings.h are the default settings for the first loading. After loading you will manage changes to the settings via the Web Interface. If you want to change settings again in the settings.h, you will need to erase the file system on the Wemos or use the “Reset Settings” option in the Web Interface.
The Marquee Scroller uses the WiFiManager so when it can't find the last network it was connected to it will become a AP Hotspot -- connect to it with your phone and you can then enter your WiFi connection information.
After connected to your WiFi network it will display the IP addressed assigned to it and that can be
used to open a browser to the Web Interface. You will be able to manage your API Keys through the web interface.
The default user / password for the configuration page is: admin / password
The Clock will display the time of the City selected for the weather.
Please do not feel obligated, but donations and tips are warmly welcomed. I have added the donation button at the request of a few people that wanted to contribute and show appreciation. Thank you, and enjoy the application and project.
Or -- you can buy me something from my Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/GINC2PHRNEY3
David Payne
Nathan Glaus
Daniel Eichhorn -- Author of the TimeClient class (in older versions)
Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. You can do this basically by forking from master, committing modifications and then making a pulling requests against the latest DEV branch to be reviewed (follow the links above for operating guide). Detailed comments are encouraged. Adding change log and your contact into file header is encouraged. Thanks for your contribution.
When considering making a code contribution, please keep in mind the following goals for the project:
- User should not be required to edit the Settings.h file to compile and run. This means the feature should be simple enough to manage through the web interface.
- Changes should always support the recommended hardware (links above).