- Login into the user side: Username: user and Password: user
- Login into admin side: Username: admin and Password: admin
Note on testing: We recommend accessing other users to test out sending friend requests and then accepting them. Try logging in to a separate user with these credentials:
- Username: user2 and Password: user2
- Check out where your friends have checked in
- Feel free to add your own checkin by specifying a location, an action and a message. i.e. BA3200, Studying, Come help me work on my 309 project!
- Click on a friend's name to check out their profile
- Click on Edit profile to check out and edit your profile
- Click on Add Friends to find a friend
- Click on Friend Requests to check out friend requests sent to you
- Check out all their past checkins and their current checkin
- Look at their username, name, bio and profile picture
- Unfriend them if you no longer want to follow up with their checkins
- Feel free to update your name and bio
- Select to change your profile picture. You can pick 1 out of our custom UofT-Themed Avatars!
- Look at your previous checkins and your current checkin
- Look up a user and send them a request
- Try to look up "user2" to send a friend request and then log into user2 to accept it!
- user2 credentials: user: user2 and password: user2
- Check out requests sent to you by other users and accept or decline them
- Check out statistics about the site
- Change user passwords
- Remove users from the app
- Remove checkins
We have broken up our endpoints into 6 main components:
- Users
- Friends
- Requests
- Checkins
- Statistics
- ChangePassword
- GET /api/users/ : private route only to fetch the user data associated with the user logged in
- GET /api/users/all: private route only available to the admin to fetch all users
- GET /api/users/:userID: private route to fetch the user data associated with that user ID
- POST /api/users/login: public route for authentication of user input for logging and assigns a token for the user
- POST /api/users/register: public route to create a new user in the app
- DELETE /api/users/:id: private route only available to admin to delete a specific user
- PATCH /api/users/details: private route that updates the name and bio of the logged in user
- PATCH /api/users/profilepic: private route that updates the profile pic of the logged in user
- PATCH /api/friends/add: private route to add a new friend
- PATCH /api/friends/delete: private route to delete a friend
- PATCH /api/requests/add: private route to add a friend request
- PATCH /api/requests/delete: private route to delete a friend request
- GET /api/statistics/total: private route only accessible by admin to get total users and total checkins
- GET /api/statistics/today: private route only accessible by admin to get today's new registered users and new checkin statistics
- POST /api/changePassword/:id: private route only accessible by admin to change a given user's password