This is a customer complain portal On this portal, the customers from about 3 branches makes a report, or lays complaints, the general managers sees the complain the branch is coming from and the name of that branch manager. Is a simple CRUD app, no much integration.
You run it , Do the list below
- Unizip the file,
- create the database and add the config to your .evn file, you can use the sample .env.example file give and run
- run composer install or composer dump autoload
- php artisan key:generate
- php artisan migrate --seed
- make sure you have php 7.4 and above run php artisan serve
To login login with Email: [email protected] password: password When you vist Once you login as admin
create a new branch create a manager create a customer and checkout other feature
Handled with Laravel Jetbrain & Sanctium
Author : Emmanuel Chidera