Releases: iluvadev/XstReader
Releases · iluvadev/XstReader
- Added information if there are errors reading folders. messages or attachments
- Added tab with Message Transport Headers
- Updated Nuget packages
New Export messages options:
- As Outlook .msg files
- With Original format, without headers
Full Changelog: 2022-10-10...2022-10-24
XstReader v.2.1.0
New Export options
Can export all Attachments with same name
Exported Attachments in a folder for the message
Patterns in name of exported Folders and Messages
XstReader.Api v.1.0.5
More protection against unexpected exceptions
Full Changelog: XstReader-v2.0.0...2022-10-10
XstReader v.2.0.0:
- New Windows Application
- Uses .Net 6
- Configurable Layout
- More information about the elements and its properties
- More options to export Messages and Attachments
- New export format for messages: Unique Html file with all attachments embedded and all available properties
- Can print a message
- Can open attachments inside the application
What's Changed
Full Changelog: 2022-01-26...XstReader-v2.0.0
All projects:
- New folder structure for code
- Changed name of the project XstExport to XstExporter
- Changed name of the project XstPortableExport to XstExporter.Portable
- Changed project XstReader.Base to XstReader.Api
- Adopted Semver in all projects
XstReader v.1.15.0:
- Uses .Net Framework 4.6.1
- Includes reference to Project XstReader.Api, not link to the code
- It's possible view the properties of selected Folder
- Properties list with much more information, with documented description
- More information in header messages
- Some more improvements in the information included in the message list
XstExporter v.2.0.1:
- Uses .Net Framework 4.6.1
- Includes reference to Project XstReader.Api, not link to the code
XstExporter.Portable v.2.0.1
- Includes reference to Project XstReader.Api, not link to the code
XstReader.Api v.1.0.1:
- Converted the project to .Net Standard
- Refactored the whole project in order to make a versatile library
- The .ost/.pst file is kept open while in use
- XstFile implements IDisposable
- All internal data is obtained when needed
- XstFolder has properties
- Encoded and classified all the properties defined in the MS doc, with their descriptions
- DateTime values of properties are displayed in UTC
- Automatic processing of signed and / or encrypted messages
- More information about "Recipients" involved in a message