A command line tool to generate a SUMMARY.MD
from a folder。Demo 中文文档
- 《Nodejs区块链开发2》: https://github.com/imfly/blockchain-on-nodejs
- 《Nodejs区块链开发》: https://github.com/imfly/bitcoin-on-nodejs
- 《用Gitbook和Github轻松搭建自出版平台》: https://github.com/imfly/how-to-create-self-publishing-platform
- 《sails.js 官方文档 多语言电子书》:https://github.com/imfly/sailsjs-docs-gitbook
More Gitbooks : https://www.gitbook.com/@imfly
- Generate
by using a CLI with some options - Setting with
- Link
to the parent directory - Only get '.md' files
- Order by alphabet or numbers
- ...
Source directory:
├── 1-FirstChapter // The first chapter,format: {orderNumber or alphabet}-{chapterName}.md
├────── 1-FirstDocument.md
├────── 5-SecondDocument.md // concentrating solely on the order, not the numbers.
├── 3-SecondChapter // Focus only on the order, not the numbers.
├────── 1-FirstDocumentOfSecondChapter.md
├────── 2-SecondDocumentOfSecondChapter.md
├── 7-ThirdChapter
├── FourthChapter // May have no order
├── README.md // In addition to readme.md, not to put other markdown documents
└── book.json // Set up the book
npm install -g gitbook-summary
1> Generate a SUMMARY.md
$ cd /path/to/your/book/
$ book sm
or, For example:
$ book sm -r ../sailsjs-docs-gitbook/en -i 0home -u 'myApp' -c 'concepts, reference, userguides' -n "Sails.js 官方文档(中英合辑)"
To see the command line options:
$ book sm --help
Usage: summary|sm [options]
Generate a `SUMMARY.md` from a folder
-h, --help output usage information
-r, --root [string] root folder, default is `.`
-t, --title [string] book title, default is `Your Book Title`.
-c, --catalog [list] catalog folders included book files, default is `all`.
-i, --ignores [list] ignore folders that be excluded, default is `[]`.
-u, --unchanged [list] unchanged catalog like `request.js`, default is `[]`.
-o, --outputfile [string] output file, defaut is `./SUMMARY.md`
-s, --sortedBy [string] sorted by sortedBy, for example: `num-`, defaut is sorted by characters
-d, --disableTitleFormatting don't convert filename/folder name to start case (for example: `JavaScript` to `Java Script`), default is `false`
- The article title is taken from
property in the articles front-matter. If this property is not available, the articles filename will be used as title for the summary. - The option
can not be given-
as argument, because commander.js will parse it an option. But you can set it inbook.json
as follows. - set up the sortedBy and if there are any summaries missing the order, look at the example below and follow,
for example, you have summaries like this01-elementry-school, 02-middle-school, 03-university, ...
you realized high school was missing, then You can make correct order in the following way
eg.01-elementry-school, 02-middle-school, 02a-high-school, 03-university, ...
not01-elementry-school, 02-middle-school, 03-high-school, 04-university, ...
2> Create a book.json
in the book`s root folder
for example:
// test/books/config-json/book.json
"title": "json-config-name",
"outputfile": "test.md",
"catalog": "all", // or [chapter1,chapter2, ...]
"ignores": [], //Default: '.*', '_book'...
"unchanged": [], // for example: ['myApp'] -> `myApp` not `My App`
"sortedBy": "-",
"disableTitleFormatting": true // default: false
then, you can do:
$ book sm
You will get a test.md
3> Get a markdown artical from a html file or a remote url
$ book md -l "http://book.btcnodejs.com/index.html" -s "div.className"
You will get the 'index.html' and 'index.md'.
4> Get convert between zh and zh-tw, zh-hk, or zh-sg
$ book cv -f ./test/language/test.md -l zh-tw -t "./test/language/test2.md"
npm install
npm link
npm test
- Convert articals between Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
- Generate eBooks(html, pdf, etc) by extending
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