pgmon_2ndq is a set of postgresql monitoring functions implemented in the server.
The functions are installed in their own database and connect back to all databases in the server to get database specific info
A cronjob gets the monitoring info from these functions in a single database call and saves it to a file
Then zabbix user parameters are used to get the data from this file.
This architecture was chosen to make it easy to control number of connections to database
create monitoring database and user
CREATE USER zbx_monuser WITH NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEROLE NOCREATEDB PASSWORD 'zbx_monpwd'; CREATE DATABASE zbx_mondb WITH OWNER 'zbx_monuser'; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS moninfo_2ndq; -- needed if zbx_monuser is not superuser GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA moninfo_2ndq TO zbx_monuser;
connect to monitoring database
\c zbx_mondb CREATE EXTENSION plpythonu;
and load the function definitions:
\i mondb_functions.sql
your database host must have pl/python language installed. It is usually either in its own package called something like postgresql-python or postgresql-plpython.
pl/python makes use of pythons postgresql module psycopg2 to connect to all monitored databases in this server, so the following needs to succeed when run on the database server:
user@host:~/pgmon_zabbix$ python Python 2.7.3 (default, Aug 1 2012, 05:14:39) [GCC 4.6.3] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import psycopg2 >>>
If it does not work, you need to install psycopg2. Usually it is in a package python-psycopg2 or similar.
Next, check pg_hba.conf to make sure that the monitoring user can connect to the monitoring database. ( It may be a good idea to let it connect to _only_ the monitoring database ).
Test it from the host you are going to run the zabbix monitoring info collector from
psql -h <database host> zbx_mondb zbx_monuser
if connecting succeeds, run:
select * from moninfo_2ndq.moninfo_full();
if this also succeeds, you have successfully configured the database side of zabbix monitoring for postgresql.
first edit copy to /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ and set the executable bit
sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ sudo chown zabbix:zabbix /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ sudo cp /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/
and set the PG_* constants to correct values:
### configuration LOGDIR_BASE = "/var/log/zabbix/pgmon_2ndQ/" ### moninfo files will be kept in LOGDIR_BASE/PG_HOST/PG_PORT ### edit the folowing to connect to your database MONDB = 'zbx_mondb' # recommendation to use dedicated database PG_HOST = 'localhost' if (len(sys.argv) < 2 or sys.argv[1].startswith('--')) else sys.argv[1] PG_PORT = '5432' if (len(sys.argv) < 3 or sys.argv[2].startswith('--')) else sys.argv[2] PG_USER = 'zbx_monuser' PG_PWD = 'zbx_monpwd' ##print PG_HOST,PG_PORT,PG_USER ### number of latest logs to keep, 0 - no cleanup CLEANUP_OLD_LOGS = 5 ### end of configuration
you have to create the directory LOGDIR_BASE and make it writable by the user who will be running the cronjob. Probably the best choice is user 'zabbix' as this is the used which will later consume the collected data:
sudo mkdir -p /var/log/zabbix/pgmon_2ndQ/ sudo chown zabbix /var/log/zabbix/pgmon_2ndQ/
host and port can be specified also when calling the collector script, so you can use the same script for multiple servers if they are otherways set up in similar manner, that is the monitoring database, user and password or other access controls are the same.
(You are welcome to contribute support for config files or more command line parameters)
Once done test it:
sudo -u zabbix
if this runs with no errors, check that you have the LOGDIR_BASE/PG_HOST/PG_PORT/latest file.
if this is also ok generate the user parameters for zabbix
sudo -u zabbix bash -c "/usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ --UserParameter.conf > /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/userparameter_pgmon_zabbix.conf"
and restart zabbix agents
sudo /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent restart
as a last step add to crontab of user zabbix
sudo crontab -u zabbix -e
and add line
* * * * * /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/
to get collect monitoring info every minute.
See if you start getting new files in LOGDIR_BASE/PG_HOST/PG_PORT/ each minute
Test if zabbix agent works
# get one value for a key sudo -u zabbix /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd -t pg2ndq.mon_collector.runtime # get all available values /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd -p
If not, check mail for zabbix user for cron errors
sudo -u zabbix mail
Copy to /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ and set the executable bit
sudo cp /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/ sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/zabbix/modules/pgmon_2ndQ/
Import the provided template into zabbix
in Configuration/Templates screen click Import.
Then select the Template_2ndq_PostgreSQL.xml file and import it
Finally activate "PostgreSQL servers" from Configuration/HostGroups
And you should be done now!
You can also try the zabbix_get command manually from the machine running the server:
zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k "pg2ndq.TABLESPACE.discovery"