This role install and configure Apache under various OS
- A compatible host
- Debian 8 or greater
- FreeBSD 9.3 or greater
- Apache 2.4
You will find here the default variables present for this role
service_manage: true
service_enable: true
server_admin: [email protected]
ip: "*"
port: 80
errordocs: {}
vhosts: []
- { name: ..., state: present|absent }
method: 'Busyness'
workers: {}
server_tokens: 'Prod'
server_signature: 'Off'
trace_enable: 'Off'
protect_vcs_directories: true
prevent_clickjacking: false
You can use apache.modules variables to enable modules and apache.modules_blacklist for disable modules.
Warning: On Debian, default installed modules are not modified by this playbook.
- {name: cgid, state: absent}
- {name: mpm_event, state: absent}
- {name: status, state: absent}
- {name: deflate, state: present}
- {name: jk, state: present}
- {name: mime, state: present}
- {name: mpm_worker, state: present}
- {name: negotiation, state: present}
- {name: reqtimeout, state: present}
- {name: rewrite, state: present}
The following modules will trigger a package installation:
- mod_jk
- mod_auth_pgsql
Other modules installation aren't supported at this moment, don't hesistate to do a PR
You can manage your virtualhosts using the apache.vhosts variable.
Here is the exhaustive list of config variables:
ip (optionnal, default apache.ip): apache listening IP
port (optionnal, default apache.port): apache listening port
server_admin (optionnal, default apache.server_admin): vhost server admin
server_name: virtualhost domain name
server_aliases (optionnal, default None): list of virtualhost domain name aliases
log_path (optional, default apache.log_path): log folder where store apache logs for this vhost
document_root (optionnal, default /var/www/<vhost_name>)
custom_log_format (optionnal, default combined): log output format for CustomLog
indexes (optionnal, default -indexes): Document root indexes
allowed_hosts (optionnal, default undefined): List of allowed IP who can use this DocumentRoot, if specified, else everybody
allow_override (optionnal, default None): Allow overriding Apache configuration for DocumentRoot Directory
document_root_fragment (optionnal, default ''): A custom raw apache configuration for DocumentRoot Directory
rewrite_rules (optionnal, default undefined): List of Rewrite Rules to apply on this vhost with the following item attributes. Applied only if mod_rewrite is enabled
- condition (optionnal): Rewrite rule condition
- pattern: Pattern to match
- dest: Rule to apply
disallowed_path_regex (optionnal, default undefined): List of forbidden paths to protect. This uses a rewrite rule and a regex matching. Applied only if mod_rewrite is enabled
disallowed_files (optionnal, default undefined): List of forbidden files to protect.
deflate_compression_level (optionnal, default 9): mod_deflate compression level. Applied only if mod_deflate is enabled
deflate_by_type (optionnal, default undefined): List of mime types to compress with deflate. Applied only if mod_deflate is enabled.
expire_by_type (optionnal, default undefined): List of file types with a rule expire rule. Applied only if mod_expires is enabled
proxy_preserve_host (optionnal, default Off): Preserve requested host when calling the backend server
proxy_pass (optionnal, default undefined): List of reverse proxy objects with the following parameters. Applied only if mod_proxy is enabled
- path: local path to map
- url: backend URL to call
jk_mounts (optionnal, default undefined): List of JkMount/JkUnMount directives to apply. Applied only if mod_jk is enabled.
- path: path to send/ignore
- mount (optionnal, default true): set to false to do a JkUnMount
- worker: jk worker group to use
- name: "wordpress_front"
server_admin: "[email protected]"
server_name: "wordpress_front.crazy-app.example"
- image/*
- text/css
rule: "access plus 1 day"
- { path: "/*", worker: "cluster01" }
- { path: "/static", mount: false, worker: "cluster01" }
- { path: "/ext", mount: true, worker: "cluster02" }
You can manage your mod_jk workers using the apache.jk.workers variable. This variable needs a list of workers and each worker awaits a list of nodes
If you want to change the load balancing method, you can change globally the apache.jk.method (default is Busyness) or per worker using the method attribute in your worker
io_tomcat_01: { ip: }
io_tomcat_02: { ip: }
By default this module configure some apache security. You can configure keys to set some global security values
- server_tokens (default: Prod): OS type & compiled modules
- server_signature (default: Off): Server version & virtualhost name
- trace_enable (default: Off)
- prevent_clickjacking (default: false): add X-Frame-Options: "sameorigin" header to prevent content embedded on other sites
- protect_vcs_directories (default: true): forbid access to .svn and .git directories
server_tokens: 'Prod'
server_signature: 'Off'
trace_enable: 'Off'
prevent_clickjacking: false
protect_vcs_directories: true
- hosts: apache_aws_cluster
vars_files: vars/apache_aws_cluster.yml
- infopro-digital.apache
Created by Loic Blot [email protected] ( Sponsored by Infopro Digital ( & E.T.A.I. (