Twemoji-android is a project to build an Android-compatible font from 128x128 Twemoji assets. The font uses Google's CBDT/CBLC colour palette. The latest can be found in /fonts, or in the releases.
Current Twemoji version: 2.3.1
from 30 Oct 2017
Twemoji PNG files were batch-generated from the SVGs using Inkscape on the commandline.
Building twemoji-android requires a few files from nototools. Clone a copy from and either put it in your PYTHONPATH or use 'python develop' ('install' currently won't fully install all the data used by nototools). You will also need fontTools, get it from
Then run make. Twemoji is the default target. It's suggested to use -j,
especially if you are using zopflipng for compression. Or you can use NOCOMPRESSING=1
to skip compressing. Intermediate products (compressed image files, for example)
will be put into a build subdirectory; the font will be at the top level.
- v2017-11-29 - Latest release, Twemoji v2.3.1.
Tools are under the Apache license, version 2.0.