A simple CDUD application representing a company structure.
The application is built using Java 11, Spring Boot 2 and PostgreSQL on the backend, Angular 8 and TypeScript on the frontend, Docker for building and running.
You need to have Docker to be able to build and run the application.
Build the backend application image
docker build -t=cs-backend -f Dockerfile.backend .
Build the frontend application image
docker build -t=cs-frontend -f Dockerfile.frontend .
Create a docker network
docker network create cs-net
Start the database
docker run -p 5432:5432 \ -e POSTGRES_USER=company-structure \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=company-structure \ -e POSTGRES_DB=company-structure \ --name cs-db \ --net=cs-net \ postgres:11.5
Start the backend
docker run --name=cs_backend \ --net=cs-net \ -p 8080:8080 \ cs-backend:latest
Start the frontend
docker run --name=cs_frontend \ -p 4200:4200 \ cs-frontend:latest
The application is accessible on http://localhost:4200.