A small library for extracting plots used in scholarly communication.
$ pip install plotextractor
To extract plots from a tarball:
>>> from plotextractor import process_tarball
>>> plots = process_tarball('./1503.07589.tar.gz')
>>> print(plots[0])
'captions': [
u'Scans of twice the negative log-likelihood ratio $-2\\ln\\Lambda(\\mH)$ as functions of the Higgs boson mass \\mH\\ for the ATLAS and CMS combination of the \\hgg\\ (red), \\hZZllll\\ (blue), and combined (black) channels. The dashed curves show the results accounting for statistical uncertainties only, with all nuisance parameters associated with systematic uncertainties fixed to their best-fit values. The 1 and 2 standard deviation limits are indicated by the intersections of the horizontal lines at 1 and 4, respectively, with the log-likelihood scan curves.',
'label': u'figure_LHC_combined_obs',
'name': 'LHC_combined_obs_unblind_final',
'original_url': './1503.07589.tar.gz_files/LHC_combined_obs_unblind_final.pdf',
'url': './1503.07589.tar.gz_files/LHC_combined_obs_unblind_final.png',
If you experience frequent DelegateError
errors you may need to update your version
of GhostScript.