This project will no longer be maintained by Intel.
This project has been identified as having known security escapes.
Intel has ceased development and contributions including, but not limited to, maintenance, bug fixes, new releases, or updates, to this project.
Intel no longer accepts patches to this project.
Snap is on open source telemetry framework.
This repository contains snap installed on several linux operating system.
- Alpine 3.4 (alpine/Dockerfile)
- CentOS 6 (centos6/Dockerfile)
- CentOS 7 (centos7/Dockerfile)
- Ubuntu 12.04 precise (precise/Dockerfile)
- Ubuntu 14.04 trusty (trusty/Dockerfile)
- Ubuntu 16.04 xenial (xenial/Dockerfile)
Additional image layer info
** WARNING: ** "latest" is not a version, and it is expected to change over time.
The following tags will contain the latest snap release (most current git tag). These containers will not fetch/update snap binaries:
- alpine
- centos6
- centos7
- trusty
- precise
- xenial
To use a specific version of snap, please use <version>_<os>
$ docker run intelsdi/snap:0.15.0_alpine
time="2016-08-30T17:52:04Z" level=info msg="setting log level to: debug"
time="2016-08-30T17:52:04Z" level=info msg="Starting snapteld (version: v0.15.0-beta)"
The following tags are test containers. On startup, the operating system will use curl to fetch the latest snap build (most current commit in the snap repo):
- alpine_test
- centos6_test
- centos7_test
- trusty_test
- precise_test
- xenial_test
To specify a particular release, use SNAP_VERSION environment variable:
- latest_build (this is the default, which retrieves the latest build from snap master branch)
- latest (the latest git tag)
- version (git tag > 0.14.0)
- full git sha
$ docker run -e SNAP_VERSION=0.15.0 intelsdi/snap:alpine_test
time="2016-08-30T17:52:04Z" level=info msg="setting log level to: debug"
time="2016-08-30T17:52:04Z" level=info msg="Starting snapteld (version: v0.15.0-beta)"
$ docker run -e SNAP_VERSION=906d19b646837393f9893870cc2929e791b1f3fb intelsdi/snap:alpine_test
time="2016-08-30T17:58:10Z" level=info msg="setting log level to: debug"
time="2016-08-30T17:58:10Z" level=info msg="Starting snapteld (version: test-906d19b)"
See snapteld man page for additional information on environment variables such as SNAP_TRUST_LEVEL, SNAP_LOG_LEVEL.
To build a new Docker container:
$ build.sh <operating_system> <org>
The operating system supports:
- alpine
- centos6
- centos7
- trusty
- precise
- xenial
The org is the docker organization and defaults to (intelsdi)
$ build.sh alpine intelsdi
$ build.sh trusty
$ build.sh precise
$ build.sh centos6
$ build.sh centos7
build_all.sh is a shortcut to build all supported operating systems:
$ build_all.sh